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Yay, this blog is finally up and running~~~ Labels: dreams, first post
Now I just need to change the blogskin~~~
Feeling really hyper even though I just woke up at 11.30. Sigh. Looks like last night's tea was way too strong. Really, I stayed up till about... 5? Then I had this strange dream that I blame on reading Jun Yup's blog.
The dream went something like this: there was a horde of marauding trolls invading the school, and Edith and I were tasked with stopping them. I don't know why the two of us, or why no one else seemed to notice orcs at the gate.
So Edith and I, being who we were, promptly dragged Kenneth and Nicholas along too. Then Jun Yup, being bored, decided to join us as well. The five of us discovered that there were old tunnels under the school, and went looking for the entrance. Except the tunnels turned out to be the sewage system. >.<
Anyway, we used the sewage system to enter a mysterious stairwell that linked only the sewage system and the highest part of the roof (probably the auditorium roof, but I've never been there), and then we heard water and realised they were flushing out the tunnels. How convenient.
So we waited in the stairwell until the flushing was over, then climbed up to the roof. Which just happened to have a ladder descending all the way to the ground. Which the orc leader or whoever was currently climbing down. And somehow, the distance between the roof and ground had shortened so much that the orc got pushed off and didn't even take damage. He was waiting for us at the bottom and swearing.
I don't remember much of the rest of the dream, except we eventually discovered it was all a computer simulation programmed by someone called 'Jacen'. Sigh.
I'm mostly out of things to type now, so I'll just post the two posts I typed last night, the first and second posts.
May Nox be with you all.
Right. Being completely unsleepy at 2am, I shall now attempt to kick-start this blog by posting the first post in... um... a year?
Ah well, whatever. It's Saturday, and weekends aren't the most interesting times. Kinda boring, but at least there's no chinese to deal with. Heh.
No Bleach, Naruto or Negima this week. There goes my main source of weekend entertainment.
This probably sounds disjointed, and I'm think - no, I'm sure - it is, but what the heck. Was typing 'what the fuck', then realised I've been swearing much too often recently and corrected it. Also, I'm typing this on my phone, which I just discovered doesn't have 'fuck' in its dictionary. Lol.
Note to self: Never drink tea with that much sugar just before sleeping again. Or at least, trying to sleep.
Ahhh. I still can't sleep. Listening to my 'Sleepy' playlist, which isn't helping. Reading Jun Yup's blog, which makes me feel emoish. And also like my life is way boring. Which it is. XD
Plus the phrase 'I'm bored' seems to have found its way into my list of phrases to whine when I'm bored. Again, lol.
Ohnoes. Just realised I need to wake up by 8 tomorrow. Which means I'll be spending the morning zombiefied, as usual. And I'm still typing away happily and feeling hyper. Of all things, hyper. Sometimes I really think I'm turning nocturnal. Ok, I probably would already be if I didn't need to get up so damn early on weekdays.
I really should sleep... but I'm still hyper... and I'm running out of things to say here... and now that I've restarted blogging, I'd better get a livejournal as well... even if only for CWC... or maybe because of CWC... Ah, whatever. Maybe doing homework will finally get me sleepy. Will go try that now.
And I really need to change the blogskin, but none of those I have seem to like my blog... Never mind.
May Nox be with you all.
Ohnoes. Even homework didn't help. This means I really overdid the sugar tonight.
*looks at time*
Make that last night.
Currently feeling crappy. I'm getting really bored, can't sleep, and can't even post anything since the internet is down. Looks like restarting my blog will have to wait.
Ok, this is getting really weird. I can't think of anything to type.
My player has just seen fit to throw Marisa Stole The Precious Thing at me. Like, WTF? When exactly did /that/ get into my 'Sleepy' playlist? Oh wait, I just realised I'm actually listening to my 'Favourites' playlist. Fail.
Maybe I should go play Touhou instead... on second thoughts, no. Definitely not.
Uh. I just realised how long the night really is. And it's way too hot here, but I can't turn on the aircon because of my cold. *sniffs*
Argh... I really need to get rid of this sugar high. I suddenly feel like screaming. My mood has just gone from hyper and fairly ok to downright frustrated in less than a minute. Great, mood swings are back too.
I guess I should probably just stop typing and flop onto the bed or something. Or even bring out the dreaded chinese notes. Anything, as long as this hyperness goes. And hopefully my crappy mood with it, but that's completely unlikely...
Yay, just sent Russell a completely random sms. Hope I haven't woken him up or anything.
Wow. It's already 5am. Now I really should at least /pretend/ to sleep before someone wakes up...
May Nox be with you all.
... Actually, scrap that. May Nox remove my hyperness. And quickly.
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