Sick and tired of this.
Of putting on a fake smile every time we meet.
Of pretending we don't know each other.
Of these feelings.
I wish I could hate you.
It would make everything so much easier.
But no, for some reason, I can't.
And so I have to deal with this damn guilt instead.
It's not getting any easier.
Let's hope the html works correctly.
Today... was boring. Really boring.
The only vaguely interesting happening was during break.
Started with morning assembly in the hall due to yet more China exchange students.
Kind of dozed through it.
Then Math. A lot of going-through-corrections, and 1 or 2 new things which were pretty easy anyway.
English. Ms Lam gave us a worksheet to do, which I ended up drawing on.
Break. Went down to 303, then went to 309 with Claire and Cyrus. Found out they were having physics makeup during their break, but since it hadn't started yet we managed to get quite a bit of fun out of discussing Isaac's impending doom. Somehow, Claire decided it would be a good idea to let Yu Han... um... torture Isaac after he was tied up.
Which resulted in Kuoxuan begging to be let to torture him instead.
Then their makeup lesson started, and Claire, Cyrus and I went down to the canteen.
Went back up after Claire got a sketchbook and some sweets.
Passed by 309, and I can't quite remember what we were discussing, but in resulted in Claire calling Kuoxuan out from class. So he agreed to come and watch Isaac's doom next Wednesday, and then I told him about the Ritsumeikan briefing on Monday.
And then we moved to 303. In which we informed Yu Han of his upcoming role in torturing Isaac, and discussed the possibility of putting Isaac in a skirt.
Then had to go for History. Which ended half an hour early as our teacher, the DM, had to go follow the exchange students around or something.
More break. Went down, got something to drink, came back up and actually started doing my overdue Math assignment.
Then Physics. Mainly a quiz/test which, being open-book, was pretty ok.
Half an hour break. Went down to 309, but Edith wasn't there. Went to 303, and found that they were having makeup. Then ran into Edith as I was about to go down.
So we talked with Kuoxuan and Isaac, with a very lol attempt at miming which we didn't actually try.
Kuoxuan wanted us to help him ask Claire to please let him instead of Yu Han torture Isaac, but then we pointed out that Claire was in class, and therefore we couldn't ask her. So Kuoxuan suggested miming the message.
So 'can Kuoxuan torture Isaac?' ended up as:
Flapping motion (because Kuoxuan's nickname is Daiyousei, which means big fairy)
+ poking motion (for torture)
+ creeping around movement (because Isaac's nickname is Nezumi, or rat)
And then Edith and I tried doing it, and decided it was a bad idea.
And then Edith's mom came to pick her up, and I had to go for Japanese.
Which I spent finishing up my Math assignment, and complaining about the Ritsumeikan buddy grouping along with everyone else.
Then tried to find the rest of ex-207 to go home with, but couldn't.
And then called Ian, found out that he was 1 bus ahead, and asked him to wait. Met up with Ian at Commonwealth, then went home together.
Currently don't feel capable of writing anything.
Even though it would be a good idea to.
Too many disjointed thoughts, too many conflicting emotions.
Also, since when did life get so screwed?
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