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At least that's what the Year 2s seem to think.
Our class is the only one with a blank space where our Cyber Wellness poster should be (ehehehe), and according to Edith, it got the most votes.
Makes me tempted to email a joke poster over instead of the one I finally finished.
Should stop zombie-ing my way through morning assembly.
In other words, sleep earlier tonight.
(I know you're reading this. Look, what part of "stop reading my blog" do you not understand?)
>Start Game
[ ] New Game
[X] Saved Game
>Please wait warmly...
>Game loaded.
- Chapter 279 -
Break is ending as you dash up the stairs, hoping to make it to the classroom before the teacher arrives. Being late for a test is not part of your intention.
... even if being slightly late for every other class is.
The teacher walks in bare minutes after you make it to your seat, holding what you assume to be the test papers.
The wave of last-minute revision begins, the teacher methodically explaining the solutions to the problems in the revision paper he gave your class.
You reach into your bag, then sigh as you realise that you left your notes at home.
You can only hope the test won't be too hard.
- [!] Event: Physics Test -
[ ] Focus on MCQ
[X] Focus on Structured
[ ] Focus on Bonus Question
[ ] Slack
>[X] Focus on Structured.
You glance over the paper once it is given out, breathing a sigh of relief as you read the questions.
It is nowhere near as hard as you dreaded, and thankfully tests little from the latest set of notes.
The MCQ seems easy enough at first glance; you can leave those for later. Answering the structured questions first might be a better strategy; you don't want to run out of time for those.
Turning on your GC, you set to work calculatinng the answers, hoping that whatever little last-minute revision you managed to get will pull you through.
... that didn't seem too hard. You pull your GC towards you, carefully checking your answers. Nothing seems off, so you turn back to the early pages and set to work on the MCQ.
... seems to have gone fine too. You glance at the clock; you have perhaps ten minutes left to attempt the bonus question.
You turn the page, and find yourself staring blankly at it.
Some inkling of how to solve it is swirling in your mind, but you doubt there is time enough to slowly attempt it...
[ ] Guess randomly.
[X] Work it out slowly.
[ ] Give up.
[ ] Recheck your other answers.
>[X] Work it out slowly.
You sigh, pulling out a pencil and getting to work on part (a). You're using the correct equations, of that you're sure, but something...
Wait. The answer you just got can't be right.
Frowning, you re-enter the calculations into your GC, but the same values emerge. Surely this can't be right...
[ ] Redo the question.
[X] Move on to part (b).
>[X] Move on to part (b).
Never mind, it's just the bonus question. Better to move on to the next part.
... wait. You can't possibly answer part (b) using the value you got earlier.
Which means your answer has to be incorrect.
You pick up your pencil again, finger poised to enter yet more numbers into your GC--
"Time's up, pens down."
The teacher begins collecting the papers, and with another sigh, you release your pencil.
Looks like you won't be getting marks for the bonus question then.
Class dismisses, and you walk out of the classroom towards the stairs, the test already fading from your mind.
- Chapter End -
[X] Save Game and Quit
[ ] Quit
>End Game
And there. Today's Physics test.
That took suprisingly long to type.
On a different note...
If you were anyone else, I'd probably be jealous of you.
You've everything I could want, and you're everything I'd want to be.
And if they were anyone else, I'd probably dislike you.
Even though I'm doing the exact same thing, if it weren't the two of them...
Finally started typing posts on Notepad before posting them.
@Blogger: HA.
Also, fine, you win, Imitation Black is an awesome song.
I still say it's not as awesome as Fate Rebirth and Go Google It though~
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