Thursday, March 11, 2010

Damage2: Homework

>>Engage! VS elearning, Distraction
>>To win: defeat all enemies!

>>Student Tech

>student tech

>>Do Homework

>do homework

>>You cast Do Homework on elearning!
>>elearning takes 20 damage!
>>You gain 20 EXP!

>>elearning casts Emo-fy on you!
>>You take 10 damage!
>>Status Effect: Emo
>>elearning gains 1 EXP!

>>Distraction casts Distract!
>>elearning regains 5 HP!
>>Distraction gains 14 EXP!
>>You take 5 damage!
>>Distraction gains 4 EXP!

>>Student Tech

>student tech

>>Do Homework


>>You cast Multitask!
>>elearning takes 10 damage!
>>You gain 20 EXP!
>>Distraction takes 5 damage!
>>Status Effect: Asleep
>>You gain 16 EXP!

>>elearning casts Server Lag!
>>You take 10 damage!
>>elearning gains 1 EXP!

>>Distraction is asleep!

>>Student Tech


>>You summon Internet!
>>elearning takes 9999 damage!
>>elearning is defeated!
>>You gain 20 EXP + 1 JP!
>>Distraction takes 9999 damage!
>>Distraction is defeated!
>>You gain 16 EXP + 1 JP!

>>Battle Won!
>>Free Time x1
>>300 AP
>>800 Gil


>>Area List


>>Save Game
>>Load Game
>>Exit Game

>save game

>>Saving... Do Not Turn Off The Power
>>Game Saved

>exit game


If only elearning were that easy...
I just spent nearly half an hour typing this.
While not getting any elearning stuff done.

Alternating between boredom, sian-ness, and not-playing-any-games-since-I-should-be-doing-work.
In other words, elearning is Epic Phailz.
On the bright side, though...

Done with Chem Quiz.
I don't think I did well.
The notes weren't particularly helpful.
And I still have to post 2 questions on the Chem Forum.

And discuss some articles on the Chinese ones.
And do this Japanese essay.
And draw 2 mind maps, 1 by hand and 1 on the computer. Don't know which is worse.
And I'm not going to bother with Math since there's no actual elearning assignment, just some Powerpoint slide notes.
Not going to watch 1hr of Bio videos either.

Less sleepy, and thankfully the mosquito bites have subsided...
I can still smell Tiger Balm though.