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So apparently Edith think's I'm emo-ing. Just for the record, I'm not.
Well, not right now, at least.
Haven't posted for some time since Blogger kept on losing my posts, and I'm too lazy to retype everything.
Today was Chem quiz and Chinese test.
Chem quiz... unless I messed up majorly somewhere, I should be fine.
Chinese, however... let's just say I might as well drop to normal Chinese right now. It'd probably spare me quite a bit of future agony.
And the daily recap is back. Heh.
Started today with assembly in the hall. Some presentation on YOG, with extremely cheesy voiceovers. Not too long, and therefore bearable.
During which Yuuka Ming Wei told me that Touhou 12.5 had been announced. Yay~
And then Chem. Quiz, then more on Lewis structures, which are actually more tedious than anything else.
Break. Went down and ate with some 302-ers, then went up to 309 and watched Edith mug for Chinese.
All I can say is, it's probably a lost cause.
English, in which we had a graded compre. Spent most of the time drawing on the paper.
Chinese, in which aforementioned test happened. Let's not talk about it...
Then more break, in which I hung around the canteen being bored until Bio was supposed to start.
Which Rania and I had permission to skip, except that I ended up ditching the Ritsumeikan opening ceremony thingy as well. Hehehe.
So after spending the next hour playing cards instead of watching the ceremony, I finally went up to view the posters. Met Claire and Rania, and then we took some buddy-less Ritsumeikan students on a school tour.
Then just wandered around viewing posters and such.
And then the tea reception. This time it was 4 trays of bee hoon. Guess what, all were unfinished. =.=
Although the eclairs went pretty fast. So did the cheesecake.
And in the end, everyone was asked to help finished the food.
And sometime around here, YuukaMing Wei appeared, and decided to be late for CCA after confirming that he was allowed to eat the food. So we ended up discussing the upcoming Touhou 12.5.
It's called Double Spoiler, and the demo costs 1000 yen and comes out in 9 days. Still wondering if I should get some friends in Japan to help me ship it over.
And then went for CCA 20min late. Nothing much here, except that I ended up not ditching CCA at 5 for the closing ceremony.
And then went home with Wanling as usual, and spent the journey playing Plants Vs Zombies. That game is dangerously addictive.
Now playing Touhou, and failing at it. Maybe I should stop watching Xiangwen's replays. The watch-and-learn tactic does not seem to work here. Especially when his method of capturing Fantasy Heaven involves 'perpendicular motion' and basically lots of don't-panic-and-try-to-analyze-the-patterns-and-wait-for-timeout-style random dodging.
I can't even perfect the 'triangle of infinite graze' yet.
And 12.5 is going to be 'harder than the rest of the games'...
Meh. Back to Touhou~
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