Tuesday, May 4, 2010

*le gasp*

I haven't touched the internet since... what, last Friday?
That's looong.
Well, maybe not that long, but I'm surprised I actually survived 5 days without internet...

2nd day of exams today. Math and Chinese.
Chinese... predictable. I probably killed my marks by choosing to do Q4 for the zuowen, but, well... *shrugs*
It was fun, at least.

Math. I died. Enough said.

Meh. Has to mug Bio now.
*eyes Bio notes*
Maybe not.

So now we have Carbon, Oxygen and Hydrogen! *is hyper*
With Nitrogen and Helium possibly coming soon!

More importantly, I. Should. Be. Studying.
Not blogging. Or reading manga. And most definitely not drawing.
Ah well.
Welcome back mood swings. *grins*