Tuesday, November 30, 2010

*emo emo emo*

I haven't done anything but write since the holidays started.
What is it about total boredom that makes the plot bunnies breed? (Or in my case, the plot-idea bunnies, since the prose bunnies seem to have found another warren. Which is also why my attempts at getting something out for NaNoWriMo is failing miserably.)

Speaking of which, I have a cold. And a sore throat. *is feeling miserable*

I want to climb a tree. But there aren't any climbable ones around here.

I want a chain. A metal chain with finger rings on each end, one gold and one silver. Just so I can spin it and annoy people. (And as usual, nobody gets the reference.)

Just realised I haven't signed onto MSN even once since the holidays started. Ohnoes.
*opens Messenger*

My laptop is also dying. The RAM probably overheated or something. Oh well.
Now running Ubuntu to reduce the memory and RAM consumption.
