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Though one link tore, and since I really didn't want to have to start over at that point (there were only 2 cranes left to fold), I cheated and added a staple.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: "You're trolling it wrong!"
Or maybe just an epic use of it, depending on your point of view.
Now maybe 1/4 through a 13-crane renzuru (the 12 cranes in a ring + 1 large crane in the center version), which took up most of Chem. Then I switched to making really small 4-crane renzuru during Math. Folding something that small without tearing(1 renzuru crane = 1/4 normal crane, and those are small enough) was a complete bitch, but it looks kinda pretty. Though maybe I shouldn't have used yellow.
Hm. 2hrs of break left thanks to English teacher having poof-ed. Should I play Minecraft, Nethack, GS3 or write? Or actually do homework?
...meh. I'm going for lunch.
(Yes, Dai-chan, I mean you.)
(click) Better Than Your Mom
And because Golden Sun Dark Dawn is awesome:
And since I can't find a way to do a cut in Blogger, I'll just link to the rest of the lulzy GS fanart I've been staring at.
(click) In which an infamous scene is parodied.
And yet again, I should sleep.
And dammit, isn't there any way to keep the spambots out?
Finally finished editing the 1st piece I'm sending in for the Creative Writing Mentorship thingy. It'd probably be better if I did a rewrite, but meh, I'm lazy.
...and I just left this on for an hour without typing anything whatsoever (unless playing with the blogskin slightly counts). Sleeptime then.
Oh, and Mitadake High is awesome. And I should spend less of classtime folding cranes and more of it actually listening.
Quick post since I'm actually planning to sleep tonight.
But yes. Today = awesome.
Got a keyboard (yay!), crashed Astro (boring, but maybe because I'm not in it), spent the rest of supposed-to-be-Astro time jamming (yay!), had "supper" (om nom nom), went home (sleeepy).
Was going to write more, but sleep-deprived (I typed "sleep-depraved" at first) brain is not all conducive to (or should it be "for"?) writing.
Ohcrap I think I'm getting a cold. For no apparent reason (except maybe the chocolate, but I really don't think eating too much chocolate can cause a cold).
Was just rereading my earlier blogposts. Earlier being early-2010-ish. Strange, reading and realising how much I've changed since then. Only a year, but it feels like so long ago.
For example, I've definitely gotten much more cynical. Ironic, considering that my mentor told me last year that I was already too cynical, and I should read some inspiring self-help books... which I did, but then the inner cynic started snarking at and attempting to spork the book.
Rereading those also made me realise that I had started absorbing Jun Yup's style during that period. Thankfully, that stopped.
But the point of this post wasn't to start getting introspective/nostalgic, so I shall just skip to the... not-quite-point? Well, close enough.
The point being, this blog is getting weirder and weirder, so I am going to attempt to un-weird-ify it by posting longer posts.
Had Physics first today. Kinda stopped listening after the first hour and was folding cranes throughout, but still managed to follow the lesson thanks to having read the notes beforehand. Yay.
Then we were released early. And then I went to bother 303 for a while, not very successfully. Then went to get breakfast/a very early lunch/brunch/whatever you call the meal you eat at 10pm.
Then Math. Which is still going rather slowly, and in which I folded 2 more cube roses and several more cranes. Bye bye green paper.
ACE, which was... not very productive, to say the least. A few class admin matters got settled, yadda yadda yadda, I folded more cranes. Again, released early.
Chinese. Doing the same O Level paper I did last year (and not too badly either) is a strange experience, to say the least. Except that I wasn't trying particularly hard for this one.
Then supposed-to-be-Da-Vinci. In which Isaac, Ahmad, Wee Thean, Khairul, Russell and I played Munchkin. And despite being the first to reach level 9, and managing to avoid getting completely screwed over by others (no mean feat when the only cards in your hand are those for screwing others over), and drawing better cards eventually, I semi-quit the game, and Ahmad won.
Then slacked in school for a long while more, before going home way later than I'd had planned.
And have a bit of fiction I wrote on the spur of the moment. (On a random note, I have realised that whenever I try to name my characters, 'Alex' and 'Jacen' are the names that instantly pop up in my mind. FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU--)
- Memory I -
>Start Game
[X] New Game
-[X] Beta: Memory I
[ ] Load Game
[ ] Generate Random Scenario *new!*
"Oh, a new module?"
Curious, you open your internet browser with a few clicks and are soon reading through reviews of this newest expansion. It's only been out for a week or so, but has already garnered rave reviews from nearly all the leading game sites - though, of course, there are those who think it a complete flop.
"Ehhh, only a week old and there're already demands for a sequel? That's unbelievable."
So unbelievable, in fact, that you begin to wonder if the game can really live up to all this hype. Only one way to find out, you think. Shrugging mentally, you click on the Start button.
>Loading Game...
>Please wait warmly
>Game Loaded
You wake.
Nothing wakes you, no sound, no change in lighting, and still you wake. You blink a few times and slide out of bed, the familiar features of your room greeting you. As always, your eyes settle on the black ribbon on the bedside table, frayed and beginning to lose its colour. You reach out, intending to restore it, but then hesitate and withdraw your arm, as you do every morning.
As usual, you walk to the window, pulling open the blinds to gaze at the waking land outside. The people have not woken just yet, but they will soon; the punishment for lateness is severe. As it is for nearly everything else. As it should be.
You open the window and lean out, reveling in the sounds of bustling activity as they drift up to you. The air is refreshing, the gentle breeze cooling your cheek...
And, as if from afar, she sees herself grab her knives, see her finger close around the hilts without her having any control over them, and she screams, wants to scream, but cannot.
She watches helplessly as the demon moves her limbs easily, giving her a grace she would never have had naturally. The first to fall is Damian - he moves, almost faster than her, throwing his heavy blade in the path of her falling knives. But the demon was feinting, and now it moves, easily slipping past his defense and sliding her knife into his stomach. It comes away coated with dark red fluid, and locked away in her own mind, she screams.
The next is Sonia, as she sees Damian topple and catches him, already weaving the words of a spell even as she lowers him gently down. The demon flinches just slightly then, a reflex action as a huge fireball threatens to swallow it - to swallow her - up. The demon merely gestures, and she senses his energy, his concentration, being funneled into countering the spell.
This leaves her an opening, and she takes it, throwing herself against the walls of her mental prison until the demon's weakened concentration gives way and she manages to retake control of her body. She tries to run, tries to stab herself, anything to get herself and the demon away where it cannot hurt her friends.
But then she senses the demon returning, a cold darkness swirling around the edges of her mind and threatening to incapacitate her again.
[X] No, I have to fight!
[ ] I can't do this...
No, she has to fight! Forcing the demon out of her body once again, she looks up, locking eyes with Alex. As always, the confusion of emotions that comes with seeing him play across her mind, leaving her vulnerable, and she can sense it returning, that darkness that invades her mind and locks her away. She stares at Alex, his dark blue eyes mirroring the despair in hers, and she opens her mouth.
"Alex..." she manages, the cold already seeping into her thoughts, leaving them sluggish, unresponsive. "Ru... n..."
And then she knows she has lost, is forced to watch as the demon summons a sphere of energy around him and releases it in a single shockwave. She sees Sonia, sheltering Damian from the wave, knowing that she cannot outrun it, sees Alex, his arms thrown up in front of him, light surrounding him - or maybe that was just her eyes, because the shockwave moves outwards blindingly, and when it finally dissipates, all that she can see is smooth, flat rock.
Her hair has come undone, and as she stares at the blankness surrounding her, the ribbon that tied it back loosens and flutters to the floor
You blink, realising that you have once again allowed yourself to get lost in your memories. Still, introspection might not be a bad thing, and you move back to the bed, collapsing backwards on it and staring up at the ceiling.
ah screw this i can't think of anything else to write i'll continue tomorrow or something.
Should I bother trying to get into the Olympiad classes?
(Or will they be full by the time MRS finally stops lagging?)
Well... here goes.
I guess this year has been... interesting, for lack of a better word. My screwed-up grades aside, that is.
...and after staring at this blank textbox for 10min or so, I still can't find a way to express my thoughts in words. Oh screw it.
Happy New Year!
(Unfortunately, this seems to be the largest font size available here.)
*is saved by Cyrus from computer*
But there's nothing worth posting about!
(Well, unless you count fangirling...)
(And Facebook-ing...)
(And realising that the notes I needed last semester and couldn't find were actually stashed under my Year 2 materials...)