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You are standing on the 6th floor, in front of the grey door next to the lift.
>open door
The door is locked.
You turn to your companion. She pauses to think.
"I think there was a ladder in one of the physics labs..."
>go to physics lab 1
You walk down to the 3rd floor. Physics Lab 1 is still unlocked. You go in.
You are standing in Physics Lab 1. On the teacher's table are several electronic devices that currently do not work. On the other tables are heating plates. On the sides are more electronic devices you cannot identify. In a gap next to the door is a folded ladder.
>take ladder
You take the ladder. You are now encumbered. Your movements are slowed slightly because of your load.
>go to 6th floor
You walk up to the 6th floor.
>go to grey door
You walk to the grey door next to the lift.
>drop ladder
You unfold the ladder and place it against the wall. You can now climb over the wall.
>climb wall
You easily climb up the ladder and drop onto a ventilator on the other side. Your companion follows.
You are standing on the 6th floor, behind the grey door next to the lift. There are tennis balls strewn around in various states of discolouration and possibly decay. In front of you is the door to the High Reaches. Behind you is the grey door.
>unlock grey door
You easily unlock the door from the inside.
>take ladder
You take the ladder. You are now encumbered. Your movements are slowed slightly because of your load.
>drop ladder
You place the ladder down, next to the door to the High Reaches. You can now climb onto the auditorium roof.
>climb onto roof
You scramble up the ladder and onto the rooftop. Your companion follows.
You are now standing on the auditorium roof. In front of you is what looks like someone's hideout - a laptop with its lid shut, a portable battery, several sheets of paper, and some food and drink. Behind you is the ladder down.
>look at paper
It seems to be pages of a story. You read the story.
[insert story here - will write this part in later. i'm definitely taking out the 2nd POV (confused girl) though.]
>look at laptop
You open the laptop. It is passworded, and the username is displayed as 'Advocate Of Pain'.
No matter what password you enter, you cannot crack the login. Your companion tries as well, however she is also unsuccessful.
>remove hard drive from laptop
You shut the laptop again and instead look for the hard drive. Luckily, it is easily removed. You take the hard drive.
>go to computer lab 3
You go to Computer Lab 3.
>put hard drive into computer
You remove a random computer's hard drive and replace it with the one you just took from the laptop.
>turn on computer
Unfortunately, the computer won't turn on. You try the other computers. They don't seem to work either.
>take hard drive.
You remove the hard drive from the computer. You take the hard drive.
Your companion volunteers to go search for a working computer.
She leaves. You wait. You wait some more.
...you look at your watch. It's been nearly an hour. Perhaps you should go to look for her.
>go to research lab
You decide to return to the lab you started in. You go up to the 6th floor and into that lab.
Nothing seems to have been disturbed while you were wandering. Your research papers and belongings are all still there and intact, but the computers here do not work either. There is no sign that your research partner has been back here either.
You heard faint footsteps.
>exit lab
You walk out of the lab and shut the door.
You hear the footsteps getting nearer.
You wait.
The staircase door opens...
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