Monday, March 21, 2011

I must be crazy. Oh wait, I already am.

A challenge I made myself: write drabbles of under 100 words for (click) each and every of these (mostly crack) ships. Yes, all 558 of them. Let's see how far I can get.

Oh and Isaac, do one for Golden Sun!

Abandonshipping (Gozaburo x Noa x Mokuba)
No. Just no. Skipping for now.

Admireshipping (Kotsuzaka x Mokuba)
I can't even remember who that is, skipping.

Adoptshipping (Gozaburo x Seto)

"Checkmate." The boy smirked and moved his pawn next to Gozaburo's king. "Now adopt me."

He had lost. He had lost to this boy. This boy-

He looked at the boy. He looked again. The boy... had talent. He reminded Gozaburo of Noa, if only vaguely. Perhaps he could be useful after all.

Gozaburo licked his lips. Useful, yes, in more ways than one.

Airshipping (Thief King Bakura x Priest Shaada)
This one is intriguing. But hard to write for. Working on it.
