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... It's the most awesome in the entire MoF soundtrack. Seriously.
My first 2 posts still refuse to align left unless I'm viewing this blog on my phone. Why~~~
And now, in homage to the awesomeness that is touhou-project, the rest of this post shall be done in CYOA format. Mainly since I have time to kill, plus I haven't written much lately. ^.^
>>Launch CYOA
>>Connecting to server...
Please wait warmly...
(Nvm, Touhou joke.)
>>Connection successful
>>Loading User Savefile...
>>User Savefile loaded
Your fingers hover above the keyboard as you stare at the screen in front of you, re-reading your words with a frown. You think for a moment, then hit the Backspace key several times.
You really should get around to updating your blog more often.
You re-read the post you have just typed again, then you realise that it might just be a little too short. Surely you can think of something to blog about...
[X] Blog about your day.
[ ] Blog about Touhou.
[ ] Rant about life in general.
[ ] Publish post.
>>Loading User commands...
[ ] Blog about your day.
Well, there's always the daily recap to fall back on. You pause, leaning back in your chair to remeber this morning...
You got to school on time, in fact perhaps a little earlier than normal. You remember spotting Claire already there. Strange, you thought. Usually, you're one of the earliest.
And then you saw the pile of Myojo on the floor.
(Myojo, the JPop magazine, not the noodles. Go Google it~)
Well... suffice to say, you fangirled over the magazines with Claire, and then Ting when she arrived too.
What happened next? Oh right, ACE. You vaguely remember spending most of the lesson drawing.
And then break, in which you realised that Edith was absent, and thus you spent the rest of break reading manga in the library. Which, you note not-so-guiltily, you are now doing as well.
You remember History and Math passing by all too quickly, mostly because you were too busy studying under the table for your Chinese test. For once, you managed to refrain from using your phone in class.
The most vivid memory of today is Chinese. The dreaded Chinese test. Thanks to under-the-table last minute mugging, you believe that you managed to do okay, although you have learnt not to trust your own judgement.
And after that, you came to the library, where you are now typing this.
Well... you glance at the post, then at the time, and decide to end it quickly. Is there anything left to blog about...?
[X] Blog about Touhou.
[ ] Rant about life in general.
[ ] Publish post.
>>Loading User commands...
[ ] Blog about Touhou.
You decide to leave the blog window open for just a while longer. Perhaps you will think of something else.
Opening a new window, your mouse hovers around the address bar, one hand poised on the keyboard. Now, where to...
[ ] Gensokyo.org
[ ] Touhou Wiki
[ ] Facebook
[X] touhou-project
[ ] Publish post, shut down and leave
>>Loading User commands...
[ ] touhou-project
You begin to type in the address, then change your mind and decide to add this to your post instead.
... It doesn't help that Jun Yup is now next to you and narrating each of your actions.
... never mind.
Maybe you should really end this post here. Blogging with someone next to you, spouting random nonsense is really impossible. And irritating.
[X] Publish post.
[ ] Continue blogging.
>>Loading User commands...
[ ] Publish post.
You breathe a sigh of relief as Jun Yup finally leaves, but decide to click the 'PUBLISH POST' button anyway. It's not like you have anything left to type
You close the blog window, pressing Alt+F4 and selecting 'Shut Down'.
>>End Game?
[X] Yes
[ ] No
>>Saving User Savefile...
>>User Savefile saved.
>>Exit Game?
[X] Yes
[ ] No
... And that took nearly half an hour to type. Wow.
Also, I'm going with the senpai-tachi for waffles later~ Yay~~~
Hm. Feeling hyper from end of Chinese test.
And back to reading touhou-project it is~~~
Lolth kyorl d'jal.
EDIT: I just found out what's messing with my text align. Except I can't change it without screwing over the entire blog. Damn.
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