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Hm. Yet another post for today.
Really, absolutely nothing to say here. Except that I finally got my laptop, fully functional except for a few missing codecs etc, back. Yay~~~
Maybe I should throw in another random CYOA here. Hm.
... Or maybe not?
... I think I will, then.
>>Launch CYOA
>>Connecting to server...
>>Connection successful
>>Loading User Savefile...
>>User Savefile loaded
You turn on your laptop, watching carefully as the OS boots. You breathe a sigh of relief when all appears fine. You login, then instantly begin configuring you settings all over again. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you are aware that you have lost plenty of not-so-important-but-valuable-nonetheless data, but right now, you are more concerned with checking that everything works fine.
... Well, things certainly appear that way. You then try to decide what to do next.
[ ] Play Touhou.
[X] Blog some more.
[ ] Watch anime.
[ ] Download missing addons, codecs, programs etc.
[ ] Shut down.
>>Loading User commands...
[ ] Blog some more.
You point your browser to Blogger and log in, then continue to click 'New Post'. Hm. It is only then that you realise that other than announcing the return of your laptop, you really have nothing much to say.
It takes you all of ten minutes to finish typing about your laptop. You stare at your screen, remembering...
[X] ... that you went out for waffles earlier.
[ ] ... nothing much, really.
>>Loading User commands...
[ ] ... that you went out for waffles earlier.
Oh, of course. How could you forget?
Shortly after concluding your last blog post, you went with the senpai-tachi for waffles. When you got there, though, the shop was closed, and they instead decided to go to The Coffee Bean.
Joanne treated everyone to cake.
You discovered that The Coffee Bean has matcha. Now, you make a mental note to remember where to satisfy your future matcha cravings.
And most importantly, you went with Ting to Comics Connection, where you got three posters. One Bleach, one FFVII and one FFXIII. You remember Ting getting four posters, which included HSJ and NEWS... but you can't remember exactly what she got.
And when you got home, you had fun tacking posters all over the walls of your room and fangirling over the copy of Myojo you borrowed.
A beep from the computer snaps you back into the present. A popup window has appeared, asking you to restart your computer to finish installing updates. Hm. You might as well do so...
[X] Shut down.
[ ] Ignore the popup window.
>>Loading User commands...
[ ] Shut down.
You close your browser window and press the power button on your laptop.
>>End Game?
[X] Yes
[ ] No
>>Saving User Savefile...
>>User Savefile saved.
>>Exit Game?
[X] Yes
[ ] No
Yay for CYOAs~
It's almost 11. I should probably start sleeping earlier.
Lolth tlu malla.
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