Thursday, October 22, 2009

GACKT-spotting report: Day 2

Okay. I feel an urge to put an account of my GACKT-hunting here. Ignore if you want.

WARNING: Fangirling ahead, as usual.

Dashed down to Orchard immediately after school ended, at around 1. Met with some other fans. We split into 3 groups - 2 going around Orchard, 1 around Liang Court.

Sadly, no results, so I left early to go home.

Nothing remarkable to report yesterday, really.

Went with Claire to Suntec first. We were walking through Citylink Mall, when Claire was like, "Ooh, black leather."

I turned, and saw the back of someone who looked a lot like GACKT. He was staring straight at us, probably because we were having a rather animated conversation about GACKT and I was waving my GACKT CD around.

Claire saw him and went, "Ooh, black leather. Nice."

I turned immediately, because, well, GACKT is known for wearing leather, and saw the person staring at us. He was wearing all black leather and shades, and his hair looked somewhat like GACKT's. I immediately went, "OMG IS THAT GACKT?????????"

We both ran after him, only to find that it wasn't GACKT after all. Sidetrack here: I realised later that it was actually YOU, GACKT's guitarist who looks a lot like GACKT. And I completely missed the chance to get his autograph. I feels fail. Although I did get to see YOU-san, which is already a lot luckier than most fans here...

So then we went shopping in Far East instead. Saw Sha^2 there. Yay. Will not put the details of the shopping here, but it was fun.

Went back to City Hall to meet other fans at 5. There were only 3 of us, so we just walked around Suntec Convention Centre hoping to catch a glimpse of GACKT. No such luck.

Then, as one of us was leaving, we accompanied her to the taxi stand outside the hotel. We were lucky enough to see DEARS arriving when we were there. So I went up and spoke to them.

Me: Anou, sumimasen.
DEAR: Hai?
Me: Anata wa... DEARS desu ka?
DEAR: Ee, sou desu.
Me: Ja, GACKT no live no tokoro ga shiteiru desu ka?
DEAR: Aa, wakaranai yo. Gomenasai.
Me: Hai, arigatou.

So it seems that even DEARS don't know the trip itenary.

And then I went down to the Raffles City basement with the other fan, and we saw these 2 DEARS standing around and looking at a map. They were wearing the DEARS pass, so I went to talk to them too.

The entire conversation is too long to put here, but in short, we went for dinner together, and they showed us some DEARS-exclusive GACKT stuff. Also, they said that there could soon be DEARS in Singapore too. Yay~~~

Also, we took photos! Lazy to upload now, but I has one of me wearing the DEARS pass. Now if only it actually belonged to me...

I also found out a lot from them, but I can't put anything here since it's all strictly confidential.

I still wants to see GACKT... ah well. Looks like I'll have to content myself with chatting with DEARS. It's really fun though, and it's good Japanese practice.

Nyah. My feet are dead. First tramping around Far East in boots and then walking all over Suntec with DEARS is a leg-killer. GAH.

Lolth tlu malla.

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