Friday, November 6, 2009


(just had to try putting that...)

Marking the end of exams~~~

... let's not talk about the exams themselves. ^_^|||

Haven't blogged or read any blogs lately. No, the reason isn't exams. (I barely even studied anyway...)

Class chalet is next Tuesday. Still wondering whether to go or not.

Also, Negima vol 27 is boring. So are the recent Bleach chapters.

And my black onyx bracelet finally came in. Yay~
It's slightly too big though. But never mind, I actually bought it~
(Now I'm going to find something else from DARTS that I can actually afford...)


*is out of things to say*
*has decided to stop posting fangirlism here*

Nothing interesting seems to have happened lately. Ohnoes~


Meh, back to gaming surfing the internet fic-writing fangirling marathoning J-Dramas then~

Lloth GACKT tlu malla.
