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つまらないね。 Labels: shipping list
Math just finished.
I has not yet figured out how to be at both Physics retest and Bio makeup at the same time.
Oh well.
Continuing on the Shipping List...
Airshipping (Thief King Bakura x Priest Shaada)
This is OOC. Mostly because I can't remember how, or if, they interact. But whatever.
The child Bakura cowered, watching as flames devoured his village. The screams echoed around him, tormenting, haunting him as they rose to a crescendo, then slowly died away.
A hand gripped his arm, and he flinched, dreading that he was to be sacrificed like the rest. But the arm's owner only held something out - a golden scale - and-
Something hotcoldbright touched him - he was light, light as a feather - and he fell forward. He felt someone pick him up, cradling him like the child he no longer was.
A whisper. "Perhaps the remnants of this pure heart can still be saved..."
A challenge I made myself: write drabbles of under 100 words for (click) each and every of these (mostly crack) ships. Yes, all 558 of them. Let's see how far I can get. Labels: shipping list
Oh and Isaac, do one for Golden Sun!
Abandonshipping (Gozaburo x Noa x Mokuba)
No. Just no. Skipping for now.
Admireshipping (Kotsuzaka x Mokuba)
I can't even remember who that is, skipping.
Adoptshipping (Gozaburo x Seto)
"Checkmate." The boy smirked and moved his pawn next to Gozaburo's king. "Now adopt me."
He had lost. He had lost to this boy. This boy-
He looked at the boy. He looked again. The boy... had talent. He reminded Gozaburo of Noa, if only vaguely. Perhaps he could be useful after all.
Gozaburo licked his lips. Useful, yes, in more ways than one.
Airshipping (Thief King Bakura x Priest Shaada)
This one is intriguing. But hard to write for. Working on it.
A (very crappy) edit of the Chaos Head sound menu from source images. Pity desktop backgrounds don't support animated .gif, else I'd have made the Mindorz (...wtf is with that name) login sequence.
I still have no idea why I made this. Other than that I wanted a new desktop background. And only after finishing did I realise that using this might not be the best idea ever, at least in school.
Now tempted to edit my blogskin to look like the (fake) imageboard featured in Chaos Head, but it doesn't look as nice. >.<
Plus the brick texture background makes it hard.
Woot for fail!Photoshop.
And now I really should sleep.
(click) (btw it's a kink meme, but SFW) The best thing I've read all day. That includes going to the Popular Expo sale and getting 10 new books for $10 - or as someone said before, practically free. Not the best selection of books ever, but hey, not going to complain.
Though the rest of the sale was messy and had nothing worth getting. The $10 section being really messy is perfectly understandable (messy, yes, but they're books, at least be nice to them and don't crease the cover like 30% of them have already been), but why is the still-overpriced section just as messy, when there are actually shelves?
And it was small. 1/4 of a hall, or something. With roughly 1/4 of that already small space taken up by random toys. *sigh*
On another note, because holidays somehow equals spending 90% of my time glued to the screen, have the song that has been playing on loop for pretty much the whole day:
And the awesomest chorus ever (well, okay, not really, that one still goes to the 3000+ users Kumikyoku one. But this one is awesome anyway):
I'm finally bored enough to post, as well as compulsively F5 Facebook for no reason. Yay.
I should really get around to finishing up the various pieces of writing I have lying around. Except that both the Plot and Writing Bunnies are on vacation now. While the Snark Bunny gets free rein.
...or something like that.
Holiday next this week, yay. I forsee much troping/gaming/slacking/insert-timekilling-activity-here. While I really should get around to the homework.
Meh, it'll work out somehow.
That aside, I finally finished Dust Of Dreams~
("finished" being defined as "finally reread enough times to catch the bare plot and get a rough idea of what the hell is going on")
...somehow, I get the feeling I shouldn't have bothered. Especially since this is book 9, and I still haven't read books 1-6 yet.
But hey, it's a good series. Somewhat. Just really confusing and "wait, WHAT?" inducing. In trope terms, Mind Screw.
Time to sleep trope/game/slack some more.
(unfortunately my graphics card is still dying...)