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Sometimes I hate myself.
After wanting to talk to you properly for a long time, I finally got to do so today.
Except that I didn't say any of the things I wanted to.
Well. Maybe it'll get better. Hopefully.
Which went (mostly) okay, except for this 1 runtime error that just WOULDN'T. GO. AWAY.
So that's it... huh.
I suppose it should have been obvious.
Right now I'm just pissed. Partly at myself, but mostly at you.
You are standing on the 6th floor, in front of the grey door next to the lift.
>open door
The door is locked.
You turn to your companion. She pauses to think.
"I think there was a ladder in one of the physics labs..."
>go to physics lab 1
You walk down to the 3rd floor. Physics Lab 1 is still unlocked. You go in.
You are standing in Physics Lab 1. On the teacher's table are several electronic devices that currently do not work. On the other tables are heating plates. On the sides are more electronic devices you cannot identify. In a gap next to the door is a folded ladder.
>take ladder
You take the ladder. You are now encumbered. Your movements are slowed slightly because of your load.
>go to 6th floor
You walk up to the 6th floor.
>go to grey door
You walk to the grey door next to the lift.
>drop ladder
You unfold the ladder and place it against the wall. You can now climb over the wall.
>climb wall
You easily climb up the ladder and drop onto a ventilator on the other side. Your companion follows.
You are standing on the 6th floor, behind the grey door next to the lift. There are tennis balls strewn around in various states of discolouration and possibly decay. In front of you is the door to the High Reaches. Behind you is the grey door.
>unlock grey door
You easily unlock the door from the inside.
>take ladder
You take the ladder. You are now encumbered. Your movements are slowed slightly because of your load.
>drop ladder
You place the ladder down, next to the door to the High Reaches. You can now climb onto the auditorium roof.
>climb onto roof
You scramble up the ladder and onto the rooftop. Your companion follows.
You are now standing on the auditorium roof. In front of you is what looks like someone's hideout - a laptop with its lid shut, a portable battery, several sheets of paper, and some food and drink. Behind you is the ladder down.
>look at paper
It seems to be pages of a story. You read the story.
[insert story here - will write this part in later. i'm definitely taking out the 2nd POV (confused girl) though.]
>look at laptop
You open the laptop. It is passworded, and the username is displayed as 'Advocate Of Pain'.
No matter what password you enter, you cannot crack the login. Your companion tries as well, however she is also unsuccessful.
>remove hard drive from laptop
You shut the laptop again and instead look for the hard drive. Luckily, it is easily removed. You take the hard drive.
>go to computer lab 3
You go to Computer Lab 3.
>put hard drive into computer
You remove a random computer's hard drive and replace it with the one you just took from the laptop.
>turn on computer
Unfortunately, the computer won't turn on. You try the other computers. They don't seem to work either.
>take hard drive.
You remove the hard drive from the computer. You take the hard drive.
Your companion volunteers to go search for a working computer.
She leaves. You wait. You wait some more.
...you look at your watch. It's been nearly an hour. Perhaps you should go to look for her.
>go to research lab
You decide to return to the lab you started in. You go up to the 6th floor and into that lab.
Nothing seems to have been disturbed while you were wandering. Your research papers and belongings are all still there and intact, but the computers here do not work either. There is no sign that your research partner has been back here either.
You heard faint footsteps.
>exit lab
You walk out of the lab and shut the door.
You hear the footsteps getting nearer.
You wait.
The staircase door opens...
- Fate/Stay Night: continue? y/n -
The first time was a complete disaster.
Again he was summoned; again he followed as Lancer killed the boy and Rin revived him and Saber was summoned. And as he neared Shirou’s house, Kanshou and Bakuya at the ready, he saw Lancer fleeing and--
He thought he heard Shirou shout something, thought he could hear Saber’s faint reply, but he had already found himself impaled on Caliburn and as he met Rin’s eyes apologetically, the final thought that entered his mind was: Well, that was fast.
The second time, he was careful, his Mind’s Eye allowing him to barely dodge the brunt of Saber’s blow. He stayed in Rin’s mansion, resting, till Shirou got himself kidnapped and Saber insisted on going to find him.
And then despite his protests, Rin insisted, and he found himself facing Berserker alone while the other three fled. He could have easily escaped then, but the emotions he thought Counter Guardianship had long crushed returned and left him trying to save Ilya.
As he stood in his Reality Marble, Berserker roaring and flying at him, he had the sudden, ironic thought that at least this Shirou would have to experience the same.
He really should have known better the third time.
His betrayal of Rin went as planned - though it hurt, to see her so deject - and he had Saber, if not healthy, then at least alive. He still kept watch over Shirou’s house, checking on Rin, though watching her have sex with Shirou was among the most painful experiences he had ever undergone.
And then he let his guard down for one night, and the next morning, Kuzuki was telling them about how he had disposed of the two the night before. Suddenly, there were no obstacles left, but even as he watched Kuzuki and Caster destroy themselves against Gilgamesh, even as he quickly killed the weakened king, the same way he had killed Lancer just a while before, his victory suddenly seemed hollow.
He stood in front of the Holy Grail that was Shinji, and wished for his existence as a Counter Guardian to end. It didn’t happen, and he found himself back in the Throne of Heroes, dreaming of his Master, barely noticing as the world tore itself apart.
The fourth time, nothing went the way it was supposed to.
He watched as the playing field changed, the issue of Sakura derailing his original plans. He stood aside as Sakura absorbed the Servants one by one, waiting for the chance that didn’t seem like it would ever come.
But then Shirou let Sakura die, and Rin and Ilya were suddenly in danger. He fled with Rin, then went back for Ilya, and when he returned to the Tohsaka mansion, Shirou was standing over his Master, projected Noble Phantasms poised to fall.
And even though he was faster, even though Bakuya severed Shirou’s spinal cord before the boy could even turn, Rin screamed. And when Shirou collapsed, blood dripping onto her, she only stared, unfocused, into his blank eyes.
They won, but as he brought the Grail to Rin, and laid Ilya’s fevered body in front of her, she only cowered away, staring at the materialized Grail as though it were pure poison. And then she touched it, and everything stopped.
This time, he swore, it would go right.
And so he stood outside the church, Shirou’s lifeless body at his feet. Cautiously, he prodded it.
Sighing, he turned to consider the church entrance. Well, he hadn’t exactly expected it to work anyway. Now, he could either try and find some other way to end this, or go back inside and help Rin...
He projected Rule Breaker, stabbed himself with it, and resignedly turned towards the church doors.
Yeah, it's been a long time since Day 3. But I did say 10 non-consecutive days, right?
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
(one) you. Because you're just too hard to forget.
(two) schoolwork. Because it's taking up more of my time now.
(three) friends. Because they're some of the most precious people around.
(four) future. Because we're already in Year 4, with less than 3 years left.
(five) classmates. Because I still don't get along particularly well with them.
(six) life. Because it's the little things that matter.
(seven) writing. Because try as I might, the Internal Narrator and Plot Bunny just won't go away.
I found Ore no Imouto yaoi.
...something has gone wrong with the world.
But never mind.
My homework backload currently consists of Chinese zuowen, Bio practical (damn I am screwed for this one), Chem practical and possible other stuff I don't remember.
WHY IS THE BIO PRAC SO CENSOREDING LONG TO ANSWER. (and halp, someone lend me their dataaaaaa)
And I think I died for Physics in-class. Oh well.
Need to finally do something about the Chem thingy too...
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Erm. This is hard. And I've decided I don't like numbering them.
Don't pass me off as just another weirdo. Even if it's true.
Act like you care. About my feelings, and my friends'.
Better yet, do actually care.
Talk to me. Make the first move. Because I'm not exactly the most outgoing person around.
...aaand I can't think of any more. Really. Yeah, I'm cheating here, but meh.
Oh, I forgot. There's always the easiest path: be a pretty Japanese guy. xD
6/8. Maybe I'll edit this once I've thought of something else.
Yeah, technically it's still Day 1. But who cares?
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
1. I haven't touched an actual piano for at least a year.
2. I have at least 4 throwaway email accounts. 2 of which aren't even passworded.
3. My room is perpetually so messy that, to quote Leyi, "we'll have to use Byakugan to see through the piles of stuff".
4. There's a bunch of fake sunflowers sitting next to me right now. Hey that was random.
5. I can touch-type, but keep looking at the keyboard out of habit anyway.
6. I am a tsundere.
7. I have a long-running (at least 3 years) multi-fandom-crossover plotline running in my head, the sole purpose of which is to feature a Gary Stu as the main character. Needless to say, it has not and will never see the light of being written down.
8. I have a tendency to mentally narrate my actions and stuff happening around me as if it were a story.
9. There is a portion of my mind which seems dedicated to making sarcastic remarks, spotting grammar mistakes and generally acting snarky no matter the situation. Usually I'm actively ignoring it, but when I'm sleepy...
Because it's CNY, and I'm bored, and I've been seeing this around a lot lately. Though I have no intention of it being 10 consecutive days.
Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
1. Looks like I'm not very good at keeping in contact with people. Wish we could talk more, but... hey, I'm the one who's never online.
2. Maybe you weren't aware, but it actually hurt when you suddenly started avoiding me. I'd ask you what happened, but I don't want to know anymore.
3. I BLAME YOU FOR MAKING ME COMPULSIVELY FOLD STUFF. And I still insist on the selling-origami-roses-for-Valentine's-Day thingy. :D
4. Haven't spoken much with you lately, but still, thanks for being a surprisingly close friend.
5. Stop asking where the dere-dere is. It's buried somewhere under all the tsun-tsun daily life exposes.
6. You're a jerkass sometimes. Then again, I suppose you already knew that. Oh, and you're also Wrong Genre Savvy.
7. Sometimes I'm relieved to have you mostly out of my life. Other times I wish you weren't.
8. You. Are. AWESOME. In the weirdest of ways, but AWESOME anyway.
9. You're an interesting person. Not that we interact much, but I'd like to know you better.
10. Nyah?
Should do more studying/homework and watch less anime. Hm.
I watched the first episode of Cardfight Vanguard. I went 'WTF'.
Then I found these (deleted first episode shots):
Then I went 'WTF' again.
Then I checked Wikipedia.
... created in collaboration between Akira Ito (Yu-Gi-Oh! R), Satoshi Nakamura (Duel Masters), and...
And then I went 'oh'. And continued watching it.
I'm trying to torrent >10 things at once. GG internet.
Steins;Gate gets an anime later this year. As does Fate/Zero. And Code Geass gets a gaiden season.
I is a happy fangirl. I is also sleepy.