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Completely natural.
So I was just wandering around lost, looking for high ground so I could see and find my lighthouse, and I instead stumbled onto this.
Completely natural.
My first instinct was to press Print Screen. Which I did.
My second instinct was to shut the game immediately. Which I also did.
(yes freaking out over herobrine again)
I also found a really large natural cave earlier, but that one was just cool.
Also, the diamond tools and obsidian in my inventory were hacked in. Yeah, I got bored. I am most definitely not pro or patient enough to get that much obsidian.
For that matter, I still have only 1 mined diamond. ;_;
Might investigate further later.
Finally got started on Math Journal. Got stuck at the reflections.
So it was then abandoned in favour of gaming.
I likes not reflections.
And this post is short.
It just had to rain again today. Not as bad a storm as yesterday, but by the time it stopped, I was already halfway home.
Thus FFXIV remains uncollected.
I should be doing Bio. But meh.
Also, 'vagina' has just ceased to sound like a word. xDDD
... it just had to be the one day I left my jacket at home, and was intending to go pick up FFXIV.
And since wandering around Orchard in the rain all-out storm didn't appeal much to me (plus I had no intention of letting a brand new FFXIV CE get wet), I haven't collected it yet.
Life is cruel sometimes.
Although the rain was awesome anyway!
*walks through corridor*
*gets drenched by spray*
Cyrus: Holy shit this is crazy!
Me: (flails) It's raining~~~
AND CYRUS I AM NEVER LETTING YOU NEAR MY HARD DRIVE EVER AGAIN. Or at least, I'll remember that de-encrypting my files just for convenience is a bad idea.
Here, have some of the fanfic I was writing.
EDIT: Yay, fixed! Actual writing is still crappy though.
I was intending to make an actual post here for once.
I was also intending to sleep early tonight.
The eventual compromise: do neither, play Cabal and write fanfiction instead.
Alice Human Sacrifice makes awesome fanfic subject matter.
"How the bloody hell am I supposed to use a bloody card I don't bloody have? And even if I did bloody have it, how would it work against a bloody Egyptian God?"
Three guesses as to what I am/was watching.
Time to go edit some old blogposts...
Now to wait till next Tuesday for it to arrive.
I was about to confirm my FFXIV Collector's Edition preorder already, then realised I hadn't actually looked through the list of extra stuff properly yet.
Exclusive cover artwork, yadda, bonus ingame item, yeah, early access, exclusive making-of DVD and concept artbook, yay nice, 13 days of free playing, ya--
That would mean it's a monthly paid subscription game.
Which Google confirmed.
Now I'm wondering if I should still pre-order it. Sure, it'll be nice having the game and the extra stuff (concept art travel-journal-thing book yay!), but it's kinda expensive ($100) for 13 days of gaming plus a few bonuses.
And there's school, so it's not even 13 full days.
And it's going to cost me $13 a month to continue playing.
And now I discover that the normal release costs only $60. And includes 30 days of playing.
I am officially very creeped out by Minecraft now. Story - titled How Curiosity Killed The Cat('s interest in Minecraft) here:
It all started innocently enough, with me browing the Minecraft forums. Perfectly innocent, right?
Then I came across a thread titled Video evidence of "him". "Him"? Did notch program a god-like figure into Minecraft as an Easter Egg or something? Curious, I clicked.
The first post contained a Youtube video. Wary of watching random videos, I scrolled further down to check the rest of the post. It simply told me to fast-forward to 2min from the end, and to watch the volume as the player's reactionary scream was rather loud.
Even warier, I scrolled further down. The next few posts simply wondered about the authenticity of the video, until yet another poster pointed out that it had been aired as a live stream. Slightly further down, someone brought up the possibility that it had simply been a reskin, and someone else commented that that skin did not exist in Minecraft.
Okay, something interesting was going on here. A Google search threw up nothing of relevance, so I simply read further. Eventually I began to throw together a rough picture of events. The OP had encountered someone, or something strange - on singleplayer, which meant that it couldn't have just been another player fooling around - and gotten scared by it.
Common sense , as well as my own fear of horror-related stuff, told me to stop here. Instead, I read on.
And then a few posts down, I found screencaps of OP's video (no, I will not link them). Very intrigued now, I began scouring the Minecraft forums for more information on this elusive "him".
That was when I found the original creepypasta. Suddenly the screencap I had seen began to seem distinctly freaky. Further hunting revealed the rest (Google it, I'm not explaining), and very much creeped out at that point, I quickly closed the pages, deciding that I wouldn't play Minecraft anymore for a while.
Two days later, I found the thread that confirmed it as a hoax - even so, it's creepiness factor still didn't decrease. And then I made the mistake of clicking (click) this link, and freaked out all over again.
...why I typed it like that, I have no idea.
Yoru-senpai, whyyyyy did you have to blog about it? I was trying to forget it, and then read your post and got creeped againnn.
And the 'message' is actually Brocraft telling players to go get a life. Yeah.
I forgot to log in.
Thus I couldn't save the world I spent 2 days making.
Which wouldn't have mattered, until my internet lagged and died.
And I promptly lost all the data.
At least it's not Alpha. Because if I had to re-mine and re-farm and such in addition to rebuilding, I'd probably give up on it immediately.
As it is, I'm just going to try duplicating it in Alpha.
Oh yeah, screencaps of some of what I lost:
The first thing I built. Not much, but it's at least somewhat pretty.
The inside. The pattern on the ceiling is glass, for illumination.
The view through the glass ceiling.
The main entrance to my underground base - getting down is easy, but getting up is annoying.
The second thing I built! With glass flooring over a lava pool and, again, part of the ceiling made of glass.
The top-down view through the glass ceiling, just to show the sheer depth of the room. Note to self - magma flooring may look nice, but make sure there's an alternative light source nearby first. Digging and glassing that deep is not at all fun. Even if the end result is rather pretty.
Have a random underwater storage area.
Was planning to take more caps, but decided to finish up the underground base first. And then my internet died on me.
I did manage to make the roof of the magma library completely glass though. Which took really long, but looked really pretty.
And built another of those magma-water decoration rooms, but that one kind of failed when I accidentally erased a block and killed the magma.
There was also an underwater entrance, but it was hard to get to.
And random glass stacks floating in the sky, since I made a few to get as high as possible, then fell off and got lazy about removing them.
School tomorrow. PE first period. Wonderful.
I was about to type something along the lines of:
Why am I not asleep yet I have to wake up in another 4hrs nooo I can't.
Then I also realised:
My aircon is going to turn itself off in another half-hour nooo I'm going to shrivel up and die of heat.
And in the end I typed:
Happy troping me.
Somehow that didn't make much sense.
Or did it?
I should sleep.
I have just managed to discover what exactly, as well as how annoyingly addictive, Minecraft is.
In other words, I spent most of tonight playing it.
(although alpha still hates me, so i'm stuck with the laggy browser classic version. >.<)
(but it's much easier, so yay?)
But yay, screencaps!
An oddly shaped pool of water. Which also happens to be the only entrance into the ridiculously large underwater place I made.
Kind of looks like a lift shaft once you start sinking.
Top down view!
Did I mention there's an underwater library? (No, I don't know how that works either.) There's a storage room to the side, but you can't really see the door here.
The bottom of the lift shaft, which has stacks of TNT and a halfway-done checkered wall for no reason.
The SHINY magma room, in-progress version.
The same room, after I discovered glass. The bookmarked door there leads to the second library.
The not-underwater and much prettier second library! The glass ceiling was supposed to be for illumination, but this library was so deep that I gave up on the digging.
Also, I keep getting lost in my own place - a sign that it's much too big. And much too deep, but that's easier to fix. Which means I'm probably going to restart tomorrow.
Oh, and I was looping this song the entire day. RIGHT RIGHT LEFT A B B B
Only 2 more days...
But not at all tired. Just rather bored.
Current mood is... what do you call the 'bleh' kind of feeling? Like melancholy, but without the sadness part? Not quite emo, but definitely not bouncily cheerful either? Maybe somewhere in between?
Oh well.
Went for CIP yesterday. Nothing interesting, other than that I think we're going to be given 2 CIP hours even though half of that was actually spent sitting in the bus.
Reached school at 10:20-ish, talked with various people for a while, spent the next half-hour sitting on the bus, arrived at somewhere in Queenstown, spent the next hour playing with primary school kids (it involved straws and a ball)and watching Wanling's drawings become the centre of attention, got back on the bus, spent the next half-hour getting back to school.
Then realised that the reason there was food being catered was because it was SJPO, and so we decided to help ourselves. Then went home, and unsuprisingly fell asleep on the MRT.
And spent the rest of the day alternating between playing Cabal and reading TV Tropes.
Then spent today playing more Cabal, reading more of TV Tropes, and doing the OMG-you're-still-daoing-me-I'm-going-to-emo-on-my-blog-but-no-writing-it-like-this-sounds-stupid-and-melodramatic-delete-argh-maybe-I-shouldn't-post-it routine until I eventually gave up.
And now.
@Chen, just to reinforce the message: 4chan is a place you should most definitely NOT be at. ESPECIALLY NOT /d/. Unless trolls have really taken over and there is no more futa.
I think I'll just go play Cabal some more.