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Hm. I just realised that I have no archive. Must fix that ASAP.
Meh, still slacking off in IFC...
I'm bored. And it's cold, and I'm sleepy.
I was going to do a nostalgic post about RGPS and how I whould appreciate my Year 2 while it lasts, but I really can't be bothered, so I'll just end this here.
Ripples form on the water’s surface
The wandering soul knows no rest
I got the 1st volume of Silent Sinner In Blue from Kinokuniya~~~ Labels: life
And also Negima vol. 26, and X vol. 19. I is now broke. >.<
But never mind, Kinokuniya actually stocks Silent Sinner In Blue~~~ And they have the second volume there too~~~ Plus they also have this other Touhou manga, but I can't remember its name...
Left school slightly later than planned, at 2 instead of 1.30. Thankfully the bus kept to schedule and arrived quickly. Went to Kinokuniya, almost got sidetracked into Ion Orchard on the way.
Entered Kinokuniya, went straight to the manga section. Got Higurashi vol. 1 (meakashi-hen, hope it's correct) for Edith, then wandered off to look at artbooks.
Why, why do they only have the Cloud artbook? Last time I checked the Sephiroth artbook was there too~~~
So due to lack of Sephiroth artbook, ended up not getting any FFVII stuff. I wanted to get the 'Advent Children Reunion' artbook, until I realised it was just movie screenshots with captions, and a few bonus drawings. Considered getting 'Advent Children Prologue', but it was awfully thin for $25...
And nearly got 'FFVII Ultimania 10th anniversary edition', until I realised it was a game guide. ^^|||
Decided to give up on the FFVII stuff, but couldn't find the Fate Stay Night or Spiral artbooks either. Wanted to get the X artbook, but it was too expensive... T.T
In the end, couldn't decide which Code Geass artbook to get (there're about 10 different ones) and so decided to just get manga instead. Picked up Negima vol. 26 and wondered where the X was. Remembered what Edith said about the less popular manga being at the back and went to check. It really was there~~~ Thanks Edith~~~
Found X, and since I still had time, browsed through the rest. Saw the kanji for 'Touhou', looked closer, and found Silent Sinner In Blue, sitting right next to another Touhou manga whose title I really can't remember.
Finally went to check the english manga section then, but there was nothing worth buying there...
Opened Silent Sinner In Blue on the MRT, and found a bonus CD inside~~~
Plus I was reading X on the MRT, and the person next to me was looking and going o.O at the level of blood and shounen-ai in there. Well, it is CLAMP...
Mm. Have to pass Onion the stuff for Christabella soon. And I really should get on with coding the CS project, except it's getting more tedious than hard at this point...
Dreams of the morrow hath the shattered soul
Pride is lost
Wings stripped away, the end is nigh
My soul, corrupted by vengeance Labels: life
Hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey
No, not Loveless the manga, LOVELESS. The play recited by Genesis in Crisis Core. I wish we'd gotten to analyse it last year in Lit~~~
It's Career Day today, but years 1 - 3 aren't affected. Meh. Although Ms Cheng went missing for mentoring again.
Mentoring was a talk on blogging, something about being responsible and inspirational and astute and not revealing too much personal information. I think this blog fails on that last point. Plus the teacher asked who had a blog, and almost no one raised their hands.
Oh, and we were shown Xiaxue's blog, and warned about how dangerous it was to blog like that. At the end, there was a feedback thing, and for the question
'The thing I learnt most about blogging was:'
I was tempted to put
'how awesome Xiaxue's blog is'
just to see their reaction. I mean, the talk actually generated more interest in that blog than warn against it.
Break next, in which Edith and I got chocolate for a change. Went up earlier than usual, but still ended up not doing any homework.
History. Nothing happened.
Math, which I'm writing this in. Question 5 of Tutorial 4 has been solved by two people. Damn. And I'm still stuck on what looks like two steps away from the answer.
Hm. Math's ending soon. We're starting on stats, supposed the 'easiest chapter' in the entire module. Or according to Kenneth, 1 line math and 6 lines english.
Chinese is next. Hopefully I can get away with my still-blank 作亚.
Planning to go to Kinokuniya after class. So far, Edith wants me to get one of the Higurashi manga, Claire wanted some artbook until I told her I had only $50 with me, and I'm getting myself either Rozen Maiden or Negima.
Better finish this quickly before 李老师comes. Will post again later~~~
I offer thee this silent sacrifice
P.S. I know my blogskin is down, just that I've yet to actually fix it. Soon.
I has been tagged by Edith-sama. *bows*
Link: http://mct421.deviantart.com/art/Question-Meme-Generator-69266481
1~ In a race between you, Edith and Josephine, who would win?
Edith. Need I say more?
2~ How would Claire insult Jacen?
*bursts into laughter*
In Japanese. Actually, she would just ignore him...
3~ Who would you rather get stuck in handcuffs with, Awa or Joanne?
Uh, Awa since I haven't seen her for some time~~~
4~ Will Jacen eat those green eggs and ham?
*continues laughing*
Are you kidding me?
5~ Ting is actually IanF in disguise, you know.
*bursts into more laughter*
Ting: On my quest to be bisexual, I will ask a random person out!
*fails to imagine*
(This is an actual quote.)
6~ Would you love to read IanF's very personal diary?
7~ In a race between you, Joanne and Ting, who would win?
Joanne. She was in track...
8~ Does Christabella have any pets?
Uh, I don't know...
I don't think so.
9~ If Josephine were to be mistaken for a celebrity, who would it be?
. . .
Josephine: Reimu. Or Yukari
10~ Do you trust YS?
Only if it involves math questions.
Ok, that was... random? Now you are tagged too~~~
Now for today's update:
The AC high still exists~~~ Got glomped by Claire at school due to this fic I recommended her~~~ It is AWESOME~~~
Uh, back to topic.
Had mentoring first. Ms Cheng almost couldn't decide who to talk to today and so picked Russell at random. Spent mentoring slacking as usual.
Then history. We finally did SEQ today~~~ Yay! It appears I haven't forgotten how to write SEQs after all. Other than that, Mr Lim showed us the separation video. Kinda boring, actually.
Break. Nothing much happened.
English. We were supposed to work on our menu in the com lab, but half the groups had already finished (sadly, ours wasn't one of them) and were slacking/walking around/talking/listening to music/gaming/surfing/whatever. I ended up playing Touhou halfway through, and reading Edith's and my tagboards. o.O
More break. Played a bit of badminton.
Math. Nothing happened, other than I got a new quarter-chapter out.
Chinese. Suprisingly, I didn't die for not completing my notes. That might or might not have had something to do with the fact that half the class didn't either...
And yay for bad reading~~~ We were supposed to 朗读 the passage as a class, but on the first try, it died out after one line. =.=
Second try. Managed to get to about seven lines before 李老师 decided we were too disorganized and made us start over again.
Third try. Got to nearly the end of the passage before everyone's voice started discooperating again. Thankfull we didn't have to start over yet again.
And the quote above:
IanF: On my quest to become bisexual, I shall ask a random guy out! Or something to that effect.
So what happened was that he was trying to get Jia Wei to accept him as a friend. She said she would only do so if he became bi. He immediately asked her out. ^^|||
And then Amelia and I started going How could you abandon us? to Jia Wei. And IanF started trying to ask the 07 guys out (I think).
Oh, and I got a demerit point today. For not submitting my homework. Like, what? That's a first.
Hm. I wonder how fast we'll all get demerits.
Meh. In CCA now. We have 45min left to finish our stop motion, and we aren't even done drawing yet. We is doomed. Better get back to drawing.
Lloth tlu malla
Jal ultrinnan zhah xundus
Um. I shall use this space for a litte rant monologue.
So, I was watching Boys Over Flowers and Inuyasha, and since it was commercial on both channels, I started flipping through the channels to see what else was showing. AND I FOUND ADVENT CHILDREN. Fine, so it was a dub, but it was still Advent Children. Fiddled with the tv a bit, got it to display full HD. I is awesome.
Well... where to start? VINCENT'S VA IS AWESOME, for one. Even though the rest of the voices sounded kinda off, everyone had major pronunciation problems, Kadaj didn't sound bitchy enough, they really need to stop pronouncing Tifa as 'Teefa', Yazoo sounds like way too feminine, Reno is missing his 'yo's, Yuffie needs to tone down on the accent...
*takes breath*
Ok, might as well use the rest of this space for my little rant monologue. And fangirl away while I'm at it.
I was laughing through this one scene, and only due to what Weiren said:
Sephiroth: I've thought of a parting gift for you...
*Cloud and Seph fight some more*
Sephiroth: *looking down from above* Shall I give you despair?
What Weiren said: Shall I give you this pear?
The translation was ok, although they could have done better at some parts. And I think I interrupted everyone else's sleep with the sheer volume I was watching it at. All I can say is, it's Advent Children.
Plus I only just found out, from reading the credits, that the AC version of One Winged Angel is actually called Advent: One-Winged Angel. I is fail.
Speaking of credits, they actually put 'All Shinra Electric Power Company staff' into the credits at the end, just before 'AND ALL FINAL FANTASY VII FANS!!!' (not sure about the actual number of !s)
And my mind is dead of awesome. Watching the same movie on a 14-inch laptop screen with earphones is not the same as watching it in full HD on a 46-inch tv with surround sound. Kinda obvious, but I didn't really care much until just now.
Hm. Still feeling high from watching, so sleep isn't about to happen. I guess I'll just go back to silent fangirling. Until this high finally wears off...
*puts Advent: One-Winged Angel on loop*
... or maybe not. Either way is fine.
In memory of Kadaj, who (in my mind, at least) died tonight at about 12 midnight.
May Lolth watch over him.
Unless, of course, he prefers Jenova to, which he would, which effectively makes the previous sentence useless, unless Aerith decides to interfere, which she already has, which means she'll want to watch over him herself... never mind.
You soar up into the air with mysterious wings Labels: life
Please guide that dark sky...
Um. Sorry. Listening to Innocent Days by Hitomi. It's awesome, even if it's in some madeup language.
So, about today:
Started off not-so-normal. We had flagraising in the hall, apparently because they had too many awards to give out. Somehow, they announced Nicholas as a year 4. Fail.
English was kinda fun, except we were supposed to come up with this menu, and now it's been left to me since I'm the best at english in my group. >.<
Then the usual long slack break, dubbed by Edith and I as the sacred Henpai-bothering time. Finally got Touhou 12 - Undefined Fantastic Object. Must remember to ask him for 12.3 tomorrow.
Jun Yup joined us, and we chatted about more random stuff I really can't remember. o.O My memory is dying.
Got pwnzored by Mr Murali because I didn't go to see him at 10. Ugh, must remember to reschedule to 11.30 instead. So anyway, he caught me in the canteen and told me to go at 12.
And then CS. Which was completely awesome. We finally learnt keyboard events, and animation.
Speaking of CS, let me OT to the project for a while.
I just finished editing my proposal, which I added a Walfas flash screenshot to for illustration purposes. Hope Ms Chew doesn't mind.
Saw Claire's GUI, which... what can I say? Let's just leave it at the fact that hers is scary. o.O Really.
So anyway, I've gotten around my un-knowledge of timers in VB by programming it visual-novel style. As in, press space to advance, and only static pictures and text. Plus it removes the need for animation, simplifying things by a lot.
Right. Back to the synopsis of my day. After CS was Japanese. In which nothing much happened. Only, we're supposed to do a write-up thingy on our favourite spot in Singapore. Not knowing what else to pick, I picked Caesar's. Then I realised I didn't know how to say 'weapons shop' in Japanese. Mariko-sensei's O___O face when I asked her was epic. Now I want to see what happens when I present the full thing, photos included.
After Japanese, met the senpai-tachi in the canteen. Started playing UFO, but couldn't concentrate after everyone else gathered to watch. So I switched to playing SWR instead. Gave Edith a quick explanation of the characters.
Edith left at 6, Ting and Claire and I-don't-know-who-else soon after for DV. Su left at around 6.40, and then I left too.
Right, back to panicking last-minute mugging. Wish me luck~~~
Oh, and a few people have asked about the other language on this site. All I'll say is, Google the phrases~~~
All hail the Spider Queen.
List 10 people Labels: quiz
1. Edith
2. Claire
3. Jia Wei
4. Awa
5. Jun Yup
6. Kenneth
7. Joanne
8. IanF
9. YS
10. Christabella
18. Who is no. 6 having relationship with? [Kenneth]
Henpai dating sim, Maisuke AND Rebecca path FLAGS TRIGGERED.
*evil laugh*
19. Is no.9 a male or female? [YS]
Oh, I don't know. Three guesses? (Joanne: DEFINITELY FEMALE =D)
20. If number 7. and 10 are together, will it be a good thing? [Joanne and Christabella]
Do they even know each other?
21. What is no.2 studying about? [Claire]
Solar cars, Year 3 math.
22. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3? [Jia Wei]
Um, today?
23. What kind of music band does no. 8 like? [IanF]
Quote: "Generic trashy pop".
24. Does no.1 have any siblings? [Edith]
2 sisters.
25. Will you woo no.3? [Jia Wei]
Uh, not unless it's to freak out the 07 guys.
26. How about number 7? [Joanne]
She's attached.
27. Is no. 4 single? [Awa]
Nope. She's attached to Ishida Ryuuken from Bleach.
28. What is the surname of no.5? [Jun Yup]
29. What's the hobby of no.10? [Christabella]
Reading yaoi. And compulsively smsing So Phia.
30. Does no.5 and 9 get along well? [Jun Yup and YS]
Not anymore...
31. Where is no.2 studying at? [Claire]
Right here. (Joanne: Define "right here").
32.Say something casually about no.1? [Edith]
*dodges book*
33. Have you tried developing feelings for no.6? [Kenneth]
34. Where does no.9 live at? [YS]
I don't know.
35. What colour does no.4 like? [Awa]
36. Are no.5 and 1 best friends? [Jun Yup and Edith]
37. is no.7 the sexiest person in the world? [Joanne]
38. What is no.6 doing now? [Kenneth]
Either slacking or playing Touhou. I NEED TO GET 12 AND 12.3 AFTER HE BEATS THEM~~~
Pffft. I know the question numbers are off. And yes, I know this thingy is old.
Lolth is scary.
Yay. Been on a writing spree lately. So far, I've managed to write... um... started on this new story, and got the prologue, 4 chapters and an interlude-thing done. In three days. Plus a few one-shots done using lj prompts. Labels: life
Anyway, the summary of yesterday:
Got to school without feeling sleepy for once. Hm. Looks like tea with sugar does have its uses.
Flagraising, the usual. Then chem. Got pwnzored by Mr Murali for not doing tutorial. >.<
Oh, and we collected the CuSO4 crystals we were growing last week. Ours was small, but at least it came out as two whole crystals and not tiny fragments. Russell's and Li Qing's groups both got fragments. Ryan's didn't even crystallize.
Then again, at least getting two roughly equal crystals made dividing easy. Except while we were drying them, mine started shattering. >.< Now I have many small fragments too.
Then break. Went to the canteen and got a mocha breeze. Couldn't finish it, so it got passed around and eventually thrown away. T.T
Next was physics. Overall quite okay, except most of the first hour was wasted waiting for the construction noise to soften so Ms Lim could actually teach. Used most of that time to write half a chapter more.
In the end, ten minutes break. When we got back, the noise was softer. More lesson, then a short fill-in-the-blanks quiz and lesson over.
Break. Went down and got lunch. Met the senpai-tachi and talked, but I don't remember about what.
Then Japanese, for which I forgot my books again. Used the lesson to write another quarter-chapter. Plus we got the JLPT forms. There's an awful lot of instructions in there for a (mostly) simple questionaire. Now I understand why they charge $2 per form.
Half an hour more break. Wrote the last quarter-chapter and started on a new one.
Died during PE as usual. We did baton-passing and dodgeball, then most of the class went to play handball. I went to the exercise corner.
Half an hour later, went back up to the concourse. Jia Wei, Russell and Jun Yup were sitting there. Joined them, only Jia Wei went off soon after. Talked.
And then Jun Yup spotted Xiangwen and called him over. Moved to the grandstand and met Joanne. Xiangwen went to help Joanne train for 4x100. 16 seconds. Ganbatte ne~~~
Spent the next I-don't-know-how-long talking some more. Tricia's meeting-thing apparently ended, so Jun Yup went off to meet her. Joanne continued pwnzoring me with a Deidara plushie. >.<
Xiangwen left. 07 finally finished playing soccer/handball/whatever they were playing. Slacked in the concourse for the next hour or so. Ian took out his laptop and we ended up watching Boys Over Flowers 11. And I asked him what exactly he had been watching yesterday.
Short backstory here: Ian brought his laptop as well the day before. He loaded some movie or other and started watching, then at one point, refused to let the girls watched anymore. He claimed it was gay porn. XDDD
So today, I asked him, and he said 'Bruno'. I asked him what exactly that was, so he loaded the movie to show us.
I think he may have definitely has scarred the other girls for life.
So what happened was, we waited for it to load and then started watching. At the very scene which Daryl described as, uh, a 'penis dance'.
... You can infer the rest.
Spent half of the mrt trip watching the rest of BOF 11, until his laptop's battery died. No~~~
Didn't really matter though, since Ian had to leave after 2 stations anyway.
The rest of the trip was spent hikikomori-ing in a corner while listening to music.
And Ian passed me his flash games folder, which I just spent half an hour looking through. Still haven't touched CS. Never mind, there's time on Thursday. XDDD
Mm. Flagraising is starting soon. I'm sleepy.
May Nox be...
Oh right, I now favour Lolth.
Hm. Trying to change my blogskin yet again. Got a tip from Edith - use the Classic template. Will try and see.
Trying... Haven't found a blogskin I particularly like yet. Still searching.
Ooh, found a skin I like. Now I just have to upload it.
1 hour later...
While being annoyed/helped/poked by Michelle.
It's 4.04 pm. The sports thingy should have started already. Must go find Edith soon. >.<
Will end this post here~~~
More to come at night~~~
May Nox be with you all.
Yay, found a cursor too~~~
Although it doesn't work on the scrollbars. T.T
Just tried changing the blogskin again. As expected, it didn't work. I swear, Blogger hates me. Maybe I should try creating my own blogskin instead of downloading.
Great, now this page has reverted to plain html and I can't get it to fix itself.
Correction. Blogger hates this blog.
Distracting myself with Gaia Online now. That site is made of awesome.
Oh well. Going back to playing zOMG now. Will probably have to ask someone for blogskin help later.
May Nox be with you all.
... Wait, no. Come back and fix this blogskin.
Yay, this blog is finally up and running~~~ Labels: dreams, first post
Now I just need to change the blogskin~~~
Feeling really hyper even though I just woke up at 11.30. Sigh. Looks like last night's tea was way too strong. Really, I stayed up till about... 5? Then I had this strange dream that I blame on reading Jun Yup's blog.
The dream went something like this: there was a horde of marauding trolls invading the school, and Edith and I were tasked with stopping them. I don't know why the two of us, or why no one else seemed to notice orcs at the gate.
So Edith and I, being who we were, promptly dragged Kenneth and Nicholas along too. Then Jun Yup, being bored, decided to join us as well. The five of us discovered that there were old tunnels under the school, and went looking for the entrance. Except the tunnels turned out to be the sewage system. >.<
Anyway, we used the sewage system to enter a mysterious stairwell that linked only the sewage system and the highest part of the roof (probably the auditorium roof, but I've never been there), and then we heard water and realised they were flushing out the tunnels. How convenient.
So we waited in the stairwell until the flushing was over, then climbed up to the roof. Which just happened to have a ladder descending all the way to the ground. Which the orc leader or whoever was currently climbing down. And somehow, the distance between the roof and ground had shortened so much that the orc got pushed off and didn't even take damage. He was waiting for us at the bottom and swearing.
I don't remember much of the rest of the dream, except we eventually discovered it was all a computer simulation programmed by someone called 'Jacen'. Sigh.
I'm mostly out of things to type now, so I'll just post the two posts I typed last night, the first and second posts.
May Nox be with you all.
Right. Being completely unsleepy at 2am, I shall now attempt to kick-start this blog by posting the first post in... um... a year?
Ah well, whatever. It's Saturday, and weekends aren't the most interesting times. Kinda boring, but at least there's no chinese to deal with. Heh.
No Bleach, Naruto or Negima this week. There goes my main source of weekend entertainment.
This probably sounds disjointed, and I'm think - no, I'm sure - it is, but what the heck. Was typing 'what the fuck', then realised I've been swearing much too often recently and corrected it. Also, I'm typing this on my phone, which I just discovered doesn't have 'fuck' in its dictionary. Lol.
Note to self: Never drink tea with that much sugar just before sleeping again. Or at least, trying to sleep.
Ahhh. I still can't sleep. Listening to my 'Sleepy' playlist, which isn't helping. Reading Jun Yup's blog, which makes me feel emoish. And also like my life is way boring. Which it is. XD
Plus the phrase 'I'm bored' seems to have found its way into my list of phrases to whine when I'm bored. Again, lol.
Ohnoes. Just realised I need to wake up by 8 tomorrow. Which means I'll be spending the morning zombiefied, as usual. And I'm still typing away happily and feeling hyper. Of all things, hyper. Sometimes I really think I'm turning nocturnal. Ok, I probably would already be if I didn't need to get up so damn early on weekdays.
I really should sleep... but I'm still hyper... and I'm running out of things to say here... and now that I've restarted blogging, I'd better get a livejournal as well... even if only for CWC... or maybe because of CWC... Ah, whatever. Maybe doing homework will finally get me sleepy. Will go try that now.
And I really need to change the blogskin, but none of those I have seem to like my blog... Never mind.
May Nox be with you all.
Ohnoes. Even homework didn't help. This means I really overdid the sugar tonight.
*looks at time*
Make that last night.
Currently feeling crappy. I'm getting really bored, can't sleep, and can't even post anything since the internet is down. Looks like restarting my blog will have to wait.
Ok, this is getting really weird. I can't think of anything to type.
My player has just seen fit to throw Marisa Stole The Precious Thing at me. Like, WTF? When exactly did /that/ get into my 'Sleepy' playlist? Oh wait, I just realised I'm actually listening to my 'Favourites' playlist. Fail.
Maybe I should go play Touhou instead... on second thoughts, no. Definitely not.
Uh. I just realised how long the night really is. And it's way too hot here, but I can't turn on the aircon because of my cold. *sniffs*
Argh... I really need to get rid of this sugar high. I suddenly feel like screaming. My mood has just gone from hyper and fairly ok to downright frustrated in less than a minute. Great, mood swings are back too.
I guess I should probably just stop typing and flop onto the bed or something. Or even bring out the dreaded chinese notes. Anything, as long as this hyperness goes. And hopefully my crappy mood with it, but that's completely unlikely...
Yay, just sent Russell a completely random sms. Hope I haven't woken him up or anything.
Wow. It's already 5am. Now I really should at least /pretend/ to sleep before someone wakes up...
May Nox be with you all.
... Actually, scrap that. May Nox remove my hyperness. And quickly.