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Hm. Yet another post for today.
Really, absolutely nothing to say here. Except that I finally got my laptop, fully functional except for a few missing codecs etc, back. Yay~~~
Maybe I should throw in another random CYOA here. Hm.
... Or maybe not?
... I think I will, then.
>>Launch CYOA
>>Connecting to server...
>>Connection successful
>>Loading User Savefile...
>>User Savefile loaded
You turn on your laptop, watching carefully as the OS boots. You breathe a sigh of relief when all appears fine. You login, then instantly begin configuring you settings all over again. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you are aware that you have lost plenty of not-so-important-but-valuable-nonetheless data, but right now, you are more concerned with checking that everything works fine.
... Well, things certainly appear that way. You then try to decide what to do next.
[ ] Play Touhou.
[X] Blog some more.
[ ] Watch anime.
[ ] Download missing addons, codecs, programs etc.
[ ] Shut down.
>>Loading User commands...
[ ] Blog some more.
You point your browser to Blogger and log in, then continue to click 'New Post'. Hm. It is only then that you realise that other than announcing the return of your laptop, you really have nothing much to say.
It takes you all of ten minutes to finish typing about your laptop. You stare at your screen, remembering...
[X] ... that you went out for waffles earlier.
[ ] ... nothing much, really.
>>Loading User commands...
[ ] ... that you went out for waffles earlier.
Oh, of course. How could you forget?
Shortly after concluding your last blog post, you went with the senpai-tachi for waffles. When you got there, though, the shop was closed, and they instead decided to go to The Coffee Bean.
Joanne treated everyone to cake.
You discovered that The Coffee Bean has matcha. Now, you make a mental note to remember where to satisfy your future matcha cravings.
And most importantly, you went with Ting to Comics Connection, where you got three posters. One Bleach, one FFVII and one FFXIII. You remember Ting getting four posters, which included HSJ and NEWS... but you can't remember exactly what she got.
And when you got home, you had fun tacking posters all over the walls of your room and fangirling over the copy of Myojo you borrowed.
A beep from the computer snaps you back into the present. A popup window has appeared, asking you to restart your computer to finish installing updates. Hm. You might as well do so...
[X] Shut down.
[ ] Ignore the popup window.
>>Loading User commands...
[ ] Shut down.
You close your browser window and press the power button on your laptop.
>>End Game?
[X] Yes
[ ] No
>>Saving User Savefile...
>>User Savefile saved.
>>Exit Game?
[X] Yes
[ ] No
Yay for CYOAs~
It's almost 11. I should probably start sleeping earlier.
Lolth tlu malla.
... It's the most awesome in the entire MoF soundtrack. Seriously.
My first 2 posts still refuse to align left unless I'm viewing this blog on my phone. Why~~~
And now, in homage to the awesomeness that is touhou-project, the rest of this post shall be done in CYOA format. Mainly since I have time to kill, plus I haven't written much lately. ^.^
>>Launch CYOA
>>Connecting to server...
Please wait warmly...
(Nvm, Touhou joke.)
>>Connection successful
>>Loading User Savefile...
>>User Savefile loaded
Your fingers hover above the keyboard as you stare at the screen in front of you, re-reading your words with a frown. You think for a moment, then hit the Backspace key several times.
You really should get around to updating your blog more often.
You re-read the post you have just typed again, then you realise that it might just be a little too short. Surely you can think of something to blog about...
[X] Blog about your day.
[ ] Blog about Touhou.
[ ] Rant about life in general.
[ ] Publish post.
>>Loading User commands...
[ ] Blog about your day.
Well, there's always the daily recap to fall back on. You pause, leaning back in your chair to remeber this morning...
You got to school on time, in fact perhaps a little earlier than normal. You remember spotting Claire already there. Strange, you thought. Usually, you're one of the earliest.
And then you saw the pile of Myojo on the floor.
(Myojo, the JPop magazine, not the noodles. Go Google it~)
Well... suffice to say, you fangirled over the magazines with Claire, and then Ting when she arrived too.
What happened next? Oh right, ACE. You vaguely remember spending most of the lesson drawing.
And then break, in which you realised that Edith was absent, and thus you spent the rest of break reading manga in the library. Which, you note not-so-guiltily, you are now doing as well.
You remember History and Math passing by all too quickly, mostly because you were too busy studying under the table for your Chinese test. For once, you managed to refrain from using your phone in class.
The most vivid memory of today is Chinese. The dreaded Chinese test. Thanks to under-the-table last minute mugging, you believe that you managed to do okay, although you have learnt not to trust your own judgement.
And after that, you came to the library, where you are now typing this.
Well... you glance at the post, then at the time, and decide to end it quickly. Is there anything left to blog about...?
[X] Blog about Touhou.
[ ] Rant about life in general.
[ ] Publish post.
>>Loading User commands...
[ ] Blog about Touhou.
You decide to leave the blog window open for just a while longer. Perhaps you will think of something else.
Opening a new window, your mouse hovers around the address bar, one hand poised on the keyboard. Now, where to...
[ ] Gensokyo.org
[ ] Touhou Wiki
[ ] Facebook
[X] touhou-project
[ ] Publish post, shut down and leave
>>Loading User commands...
[ ] touhou-project
You begin to type in the address, then change your mind and decide to add this to your post instead.
... It doesn't help that Jun Yup is now next to you and narrating each of your actions.
... never mind.
Maybe you should really end this post here. Blogging with someone next to you, spouting random nonsense is really impossible. And irritating.
[X] Publish post.
[ ] Continue blogging.
>>Loading User commands...
[ ] Publish post.
You breathe a sigh of relief as Jun Yup finally leaves, but decide to click the 'PUBLISH POST' button anyway. It's not like you have anything left to type
You close the blog window, pressing Alt+F4 and selecting 'Shut Down'.
>>End Game?
[X] Yes
[ ] No
>>Saving User Savefile...
>>User Savefile saved.
>>Exit Game?
[X] Yes
[ ] No
... And that took nearly half an hour to type. Wow.
Also, I'm going with the senpai-tachi for waffles later~ Yay~~~
Hm. Feeling hyper from end of Chinese test.
And back to reading touhou-project it is~~~
Lolth kyorl d'jal.
EDIT: I just found out what's messing with my text align. Except I can't change it without screwing over the entire blog. Damn.
Urgh. I'm posting this from a school computer since my laptop's still under repair. And now my phone has started hanging on me too. I mean, phones aren't supposed to say 'Battery empty. Recharge.', shut down, turn on fine when I try again five minutes later, then say 'Battery empty. Recharge.' after ten seconds, turn on fine when I try again five minutes later... Labels: life
Probably my devices hate me too. >.<
And even worse, my entire CS project which I spent the entire holidays coding was saved in my laptop, which crashed, and it's due tomorrow and yes, I code fast but not that fast. Zetsubou shita!
And I have been suffering from a lack of internet since last Friday. You'd think that with 4 computers in the house everyone could use the internet, but no. >.<
On the brighter side, I finally got hold of Hanamichi Monogatari too~ Can't play it yet due to lack of laptop, but yay anyway~~~
And I have been hanging around 207 more than often lately. Strange. Amelia, Wanqi and I spent several breaks talking, and we have come to the conclusion that I hang around people my age way too little. Thus I am being forcibly dragged persuaded to go to the class chalet. That's probably a good thing... right?
Maybe I should read Higurashi next. Tsubasa ends next chapter, which is already out in Japan, and the scanlations will be uploaded by this Friday or so. I need some other series with epic mindscrewery to read~~~
(why do i like twisted plots so much anyway)
And as for today, normal... as normal as it can get, anyway.
Mentoring. Ms Cheng vanished again.
History. Let's not talk about it.
Break. Uh,let's see... oh yes, we were released ten minutes early~~~ Yay~~~
What happened: Some guy set the clock to be ten minutes fast. So far, no teacher has fallen for it, but today Mr Lim actually thought it was accurate and let us off early. ^_____-
Edith and I... compared sketchbooks? I think. Yeah.
English. More vocab exercises. At least Ms Koh let us listen to music today. Yong Jen and I talked a lot. Maybe switching seats wasn't a good idea after all...
More break. Strange, I really can't remember what happened in this one.
Math. Chinese. Let's not talk about either.
... and that was it. Another immensely boring day in an immensely maybe not-so-boring life.
Blah blah blah. I is sleepified. Must sleep earlier.
(yes i know this post is getting very disjointed)
And Edith, change your msn password. And probably all your other important passwords as well. You did get hacked.
(3.30 pm now and i is sleepier than ever and i don't know why i'm not going home yet)
And it appears I'm out of stuff to say at the end of posts. Well, that was fast. ^^|||
EDIT: Fiddled with the blogskin a bit more, managed to remove the Navbar but still can't get my first two posts to align left. Zetsubou shita~ >.<
Still having problems with the blogskin - can't get the text to align left instead of centre. Never mind though, it still looks fine this way.
And Tsubasa Chronicle 44 is out! Woot! I just finished it, and the series is finally sadly ending next chapter. Hmm. Which means xxxHolic really ended a few weeks ago. >.<
And I'd rant about Cassandra Clare and how awesome the Mortal Instruments trilogy is here, but I probably should pass the book to Trish first.
Nothing much to say, really.
My friend, the fates are cruel.
I said earlier that I might post again, so here it is. The second post of the day, Labels: lifeprobably definitely sounding rather disjointed. I is sleepified. >.<
(i thought that i'd finally escaped the friday emoness, but no, it's arrived)
Mm... went home with 207 as usual. Didn't have to go through the front gate since Jun Yup was nice and opened the back gate for us. Before that, sat with Trish, Su, Xiangwen and Jun Yup at the amphitheatre until the Astro people left, then Trish and I realised our mutual fondness for the exercise area and migrated there instead. Jia Wei called to say 207 was leaving, and Trish left with the dance group at around the same time.
Started getting emo on the mrt. Stood in a corner for a bit, borrowed Pin's iPod, decided I wasn't in the mood to listen, returned it, stood in the corner some more, got a seat, spent the rest of the time smsing Kenneth who was still in school. The smses were quite amusing, and I'm surprised my grammar etc. remained correct throughout.
And since I'm bored, I'll transcribe the sms conversation here.
Me: I'm bored, and I don't know why I'm smsing random people.
Kenneth: still @ school
Me: Still having talk?
Kenneth: Not a talk, practice ;p
Me: For?
Kenneth: Eee, sore ha himitsu desu ne
Me: Hidoi~~~ And I'm feeling emo. I thought I'd escaped that...
Kenneth: Awww, so little vivian is now a mini nicholas
Me: WTF? Demo ne, atashi wa honto ni tsukareta na no.
But really, I'm seriously tired.
Kenneth: Tsukareta ha kanashii janai
Tired is not sad.
Me: Tsukareta kara, emo ni naru.
Because I'm tired, I got emo.
Kenneth: Eee? Tsukareta kara, kimi ha zetsubousa ni ochita? Nan da yo, konna koto
What? Because you're tired, you became despairing? What's this?
Me: Atashi mo shiranai. Itsumo konna koto na no.
I don't know either. It's always like this.
Kenneth: Sou nanoka.
Is that so.
Me: Mm. Nan de?
Kenneth: Nandemonai.
-skips a few messages-
Kenneth: Eeeto, kimi ha saki ni doushite koibito wo tsukareteinakatta?
Uh, why weren't you tired earlier when your boyfriend was there? (I hate typing this.)
Me: Atashi wa gakko ni iru, senpaitachi mo iru. Densha wa ima dare mo inai. Soshite, saki no renshuu wa nani shita?
I was in school, and the seniors were there. There's no one in the train now. And what did you do in the practice earlier?
Kenneth: saki no renshuu ha nan kadou ka, sore ha himitsu desu ne...
What happened in the practice earlier and what it was like, that's a secret...
Me: Hidoi~~~ Ritsumeikan e iku hito wa honto ni Hare Hare Yukai wo dansushinakucha ka?
Evil~~~ Do the people visiting Ritsumeikan really have to dance the Hare Hare Yukai?
Kenneth: Mayyyyyyybe?
Eh, ano shinakucha no imi ha nano?
Nanika ni shinjitai, shinjiru :P
Eh, what did 'shinakucha' mean?
Believe what you want.
Me: Hidoi~~~ Shinakucha wa shinakereba naranai no imi to onaji... Tabun ne. Mariko-sensei kara kiita.
Evil~~~ 'shinakucha' means the same as 'shinakereba naranai'... Probably. I heard it from Mariko-sensei.
Kenneth: Sou ne, sore ha chotto 'slang' kana...
Right... isn't that rather slang?
Me: Anta wa daiji na hito ja nai'n da!
You're not a VIP!
Kenneth: Ahaha, sou desu ne. Demo, shinakucha ha omoshiroi kei ne.
Ahaha, that's right. But, 'shinakucha' is an interesting word.
Me: Souda. Uwaaa, tsukareta na no da...
Yep. Uwaaa, I'm tired...
Kenneth: Tsukareta kara, tsukarete hou ga ii
If you're tired, you can rest.
Me: Atashi wa ima uchi e aruku da yo.
I'm currently walking home.
Kenneth: Ore month sore wo shiteru
I'm doing that too. (I think he meant 'ore mo'...)
And at this point, my phone battery died while I was in the middle of replying. >.<
Plus translating that took a lot longer than I thought it would. Ah well. At least I managed to mantain grammar and form throughout.
On another note, Jun Yup seems to enjoy giving Edith and I heart attacks. First the comment yesterday, then today he decided to follow it up with 'Your friend is so cute, I can't get her out of my mind.' o.O
... and that's about all I can think of to post right now. Maybe if I'm really bored, I'll post a third time tonight early tomorrow morning.
May the Spider Queen's reign last.
And after nearly 2 hrs of painful hunting and editing, I have changed the blogskin. This one is completely awesome, so it'll be staying for a long time. So don't complain, because I won't bother changing it.
And in other news! Today was okay for a Friday, I guess...
(no emoness or mood swings yet. but i have a stomachache)
Mentoring. Finished reading City of Glass. I shall rant about how awesome that book and Cassandra Clare is in general in another post.
Math, in which I died. 2 hrs of nonstop 'analysis of data' torture, cumulative frequency graphs, and standard deviation without my GC. >.<
Let's just say I'm really thankful we're starting on sets next.
Well actually it just hung because I didn't bring my cooler, but whatever. IT HATES ME~~~
Claire used the 206 projector to play FFVII. AWESOME~~~
Chinese. 3/4 of the class got yelled at for being late. >.<
Thankfully I wasn't one of them. ^_____^
English. Ms Koh thinks I have to learn to change my writing style, so she gave me Bradley's essay and told me to go home and type/copy it out. Meep~~~
And CCA, which is ending. Got nothing perhaps a little bit done. Used Edith's sketchbook to do the initial storyboard.
And since it's ending, I really should end this post. Might post again later if I feel like it.
Behold the wrath of the Spider Queen.
^///^ Labels: life
Ohnoes. I just remembered that I haven't posted anything here for... over a week? Although nothing much happened during the holidays...
Typing this now with half an hour till Assembly. And as usual, 207 is still playing netball.
(I feel emo-ish. Great.)
Claire showed me LOVELESS, the actual book, today. She said it cost $80 O______O , so there goes my hopes of getting anything like that soon.
Mentoring first thing, in which I forgot to submit my Humanities selection form. Again, spent the time slacking since Ms Cheng was outside. Then again, we'd still be slacking even if she was in class...
History. Managed to finish about a third of the mind map we were given in class. Yay~~~
Break, in which I finally got a new sketchbook. Spent English decorating the front cover, and Math doing the back. Now it looks awesome~
Chinese. We had 听力, which was easy, and had to fill in this table of phrases without our 课本, which was hard.
And now, I is boredified.
Should probably say something about the holidays, but really, my holidays can be summarized like this:
~ play Touhou
~ watch anime/J-dramas
~ game
~ continue working on CS project, which I finally completed and de-bugged. Yay~
... and so, I got almost zero homework done. Heh.
Meep. I is getting very boredified here.
(And I is no longer feeling emo-ish. Yay~)
When the war of the beasts brings about the end of the world
The Goddess descends from the sky.
Wings of light and dark spread afar
She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting.
~LOVELESS, Prologue
All hail the Spider Queen.
... I just don't like them. Especially the ones that lick. Labels: life
Uh. Will explain that in a bit. Anyway, went back to RGPS on Monday~~~
Edith and I hitched a ride on Michelle's car, and because we had no cards but Edith had these 'card templates', we made the cards during the car ride.
The cards were something like:
Cover - Happy Teachers' Day, a random drawing by either Edith or me
Inside - Message to teacher, more cute drawings
And Mr Seah got a mouse on his because he was 'too good at Mousehunt'. Not another Mousehunt fan...
Met Michelle (year 1) at RGPS. And Pinky-chan, aka Sinead. I think that's how you spell it...
Also met 张老师. Edith, how could you~~~
Edith mentioned that my Chinese was now worse than hers. Which is true, but still...
Mr Tan, you still owe us a Ferrero Rocher Ferrari each~~~
Didn't get to talk to Mrs Sng much, since she had class. Also didn't see Mdm Loe, which was probably a good thing. Didn't see Mrs Ho/Ms Lim either, which was bad. Her card had epic NUSH quotes on it, like:
'It's a bright and photon-y day!'
'aqueous H2O'
'spherical cow in a vacuum'
So after visiting RGPS, Edith brought us to see her new house since it was close. Then we decided to crash Kenneth's house. Suffice to say, we got lost and had to call him to ask for directions. Fail #1.
His reply: I don't know. Fail #2.
Eventually, we got there. AND HIS DOGS ARE SCARY... uh, I mean, they're... well... let's just say I don't like them.
So we stayed for a while, admired Kenneth's figurine and manga collection, and left.
Nothing else happened after that. I'd post about yesterday, but it was so boring and completely wasted that there is no point.
Probably has something to do with me gaming the entire day.
There is no hate, only joy
May Minerva's gift guide you through.