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and i'd yell/emo/scream/sniffle/whatever, except i can't decide which one i want to do first and i most definitely won't be able to do all of them... not now, anyway.
third day of school, and i've already failed the diagnostic test (but got in anyway, so yay). and i dumped jap, and now i'm glad i did, since the lessons definitely aren't going to hold my interest much longer.
and i don't even know what i'm thinking right now, and i seriously hope it's just the post-holidays symptom or something.
And you know something's wrong, now that you can't even put your (admittedly rather confused) thoughts down in text without writing it into a narrative, even though... (and here, you pause and sigh, the ideas swirling in your head but refusing to form into tangible words that others can understand). You stare at the screen, waiting for the words, the paragraphs that refuse to come, and finally give up.
then again, it doesn't matter, the result's the same.
(also, somnus nemoris sounds awesome.)
The only thing that came out of it was ending 3hrs early and heading to Kino with Josephine and Wanling.
Total haul for today's Kino/HMV trip:
1 Fools Mate magazine
1 Rosario+Vampire anime
... and me bemoaning the fact that I just spent nearly $50 on that alone. (asdfasdwhydojapmagscostsomuch)
Naraku no Hana on reverse sounds... just plain creepy. *shudders*
I could go on ranting about how useless the entire SGCC workshop was and the complete failure of half the team members to show up at all and the fact that I could probably have gotten better results in maybe two hours at home with a few online tutorials, but I'll try not to.
But really, the only thing we did was copy and paste code, and use predrawn graphics. That's not how you learn to program. Or draw on Flash. Or learn anything about actual Flash game creation either.
Flash CS4 is pretty awesome though.
Last time...
>Holiday Tech
>>Status: You
>HP: 56/80
>MP: 50/50
>Status: Emo
>>Status: Boredom
>HP: ???/???
>MP: 0/0
>Status: None
You stare at the screen, hands hovering over your keyboard and a frown creasing your eyebrows as you glare at the enemy's stats.
"Unknown HP... can't be the final boss yet, right? I mean, there's still one and a half weeks left ingame..."
Your hand moves to the mouse, and with a swift series of clicks, brings up a Firefox window and a wall of text. Unperturbed, you quickly use the 'Find' function to locate the paragraph you wanted.
"Damn, Boredom's the hardest bonus boss."
Upon logging back in...
>Resuming game...
>Game loaded
>Holiday Tech
"Whaaat, it's lvl 99? Looks like I'll have to start using cheats."
>Entering Cheat mode...
>Cheat mode loaded.
>Please enter cheat code
>Cheat: Infinite HP activated!
>Enter new code
>Return to game
>Cheat: Infinite Totema activated!
>Enter new code
>Return to game
>Game loaded
>Holiday Tech
>>Status: You
>HP: inf/inf
>Status: Emo
>>Status: Boredom
>HP: ???/???
>MP: 0/0
>Status: None
>Holiday Tech
>You summon totema: Llama!
>Boredom takes 9999 damage!
>You gain 22 exp!
>Boredom uses Bore!
>You take 8 damage!
>Boredom gains 1 exp!
>Holiday Tech
A few hours later...
>Boredom takes 9999 damage!
>Boredom is defeated!
>You gain 22 exp + 1 JP!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
"Crap, how much more of this do I have to sit through? The walkthroughs never mentioned this."
A quick glance at the taskbar tells you it's nearly 2am, and with a sigh, you slide shut the lid of your laptop and head towards the kitchen, intent on getting coffee.
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You level up!
>You have reached the maximum level (99)!
>You have reached the maximum level (99)!
>You have reached the maximum level (99)!
>You have reached the maximum level (99)!
>You have reached the maximum level (99)!
>You have reached the maximum level (99)!
>You have reached the maximum level (99)!
>You have reached the maximum level (99)!
>You have reached the maximum level (99)!
>You have reached the maximum level (99)!
>You have reached the maximum level (99)!
Sometime later, with your cup of mocha in hand, you reach over to your laptop and pull the lid open.
"Great, a BSoD. Wait, does that mean I lost all my ingame progress?!"
Oh well.
I'll be stuck in SGCC again today. (Alex and Thien, you two had better turn up for this one.)
(Then again, if it's as much of a time-waster as yesterday's was, maybe you won't be needed at all. xD)
McFlurries are nice. It's one of the few instances of vanilla ice cream I actually like to eat.
...meh. Oh look, it's midnight.
...for human contact.
These past 2.75 weeks have mostly been spent in my room, at the computer, avoiding speaking directly to anyone except family and over MSN, and generally behaving hikikomori-ish.(Other than that one SGCC briefing, but that doesn't really count.)
I thought I'd welcome the solitude.
Humans are social creatures, hm? To an extent... perhaps.
Though it is nice to finally be able to drop the mask(s) for a bit.
Also, welcome back, my writing and drawing skills.
*goes back to browsing TV Tropes*
The closest word she could think of to describe her emotional state then would probably be 'content'. Not quite happy, but appeased for the moment, at least until something else came along and she screwed herself over yet again.
I. Should. Definitely. Stop. Staying. Up.
Other than that, holidays are getting boring. Waking up and sleeping at arbitrary non-predefined times is fun, but there's only so much internet surfing you can do before it starts to feel repetitive.
This is boring. Boooring. Boooring. BOOORING. BOOORING.
(i think you get the point now)
- Dmg2: Boredom -
>VS Boredom
>To win: defeat the boss!
>Holiday Tech
>You attack Boredom!
>Boredom takes 10 damage!
>You gain 22 exp!
>Boredom uses Bore!
>You take 8 damage!
>Boredom gains 1 exp!
>Holiday Tech
holiday tech
>>Holiday Tech
>You use Blog-hop!
>Boredom takes 16 damage!
>You gain 22 exp!
>Boredom uses Emo-fy!
>You take 14 damage and Status Effect: Emo!
>Boredom gains 1 exp!
>Holiday Tech
>>Status: You
>HP: 56/80
>MP: 50/50
>Status: Emo
>>Status: Boredom
>HP: ???/???
>MP: 0/0
>Status: None
You stare at the screen, hands hovering over your keyboard and a frown creasing your eyebrows as you glare at the enemy's stats.
"Unknown HP... can't be the final boss yet, right? I mean, there's still one and a half weeks left ingame..."
Your hand moves to the mouse, and with a swift series of clicks, brings up a Firefox window and a wall of text. Unperturbed, you quickly use the 'Find' function to locate the paragraph you wanted.
"Damn, Boredom's the hardest bonus boss."
From TV Tropes:
The 4th Edition Dungeons And Dragons Monster Manual has an infamously hilarious example where it requires a DC20 Knowledge (nature) check to learn that bears attack with their claws.
Memetic Mutation has extended similar gems of wisdom to fire (DC15: Fire is hot), water (DC25: When immersed in water, organisms with lungs cannot breathe) and bees (DC20: BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES).
Those are so going into my next campaign.
...excuse me while I go console myself with fanfiction.
So in the end, I couldn't sleep. And ended up writing this.
Enjoy the product of infinte boredom multiplied by one night of insomnia and then divided by half an hour. (read: it's a crappy rushed scrap of writing.)
- Random Oneshot -
All she knows is that something's exploded, boom, and then she falls, and picks herself up and begins to run. It doesn't matter that there are people, bodies, lying around mutilated, it doesn't matter that they're raising mauled limbs to her, clutching at her bloodstained clothes, it doesn't matter that there're footsteps chasing her, it doesn't matter.
All she knows is that she has to run away, or it will be her that explodes next.
She shuts her eyes tightly, as tightly as possible to not look at those mutilated things that might, just might once have been human, even as her feet pound on uneven soil. She nearly trips a few times, but always manages to get away with a scrape on her elbow, or a rip in her backpack, or someone catching her just before she hits the ground, eyes still shut--
Wait, what?
She nearly opens her eyes to look, but then she hears the boom of a faint explosion, and she can't see or hear anything else, but she's certain that she has to get away. She tries to push the someone away, but as she gets up, something knocks her back down and light sears through her closed eyelids, and the noise is nearly loud enough to ignore--
This time, she can hear the muted screams.
Ok what was that I don't even--
...I think I'll just try to sleep.
It's 1am, and I really should be sleeping. If not for the fact that I'm waiting for Higurashi Daybreak to finish downloading. Unlikely that I'll ever actually try playing it, but well.
(30 kbps? WTF?)
Spent most of today on FF.Net. Hunting down and reading the rare bits of good fanfiction that I haven't already gone through. Then ran out, and started on Mary Sue parodies. Then ran out of those too, and started watching YGOTAS on Youtube.
And there's absolutely nothing else to post about. Except me somehow getting hold of FFV and deciding to play it. And reading TV Tropes, but that's not really worth posting about either.
I'm bored. So bored that feeling bored is getting boring too.
...44% downloaded, Screw the download I'm feeling sleepy.
And I should update my LJ too... oh nevermind. It's not like anyone reads that thing anyway.
Flash CS3 just crashed on me.
I should just take this as a sign that it's time to get CS5 instead. xP
(On a side note, if it weren't for the lack of Windows-program-support on Ubuntu, Microsoft would now be a forgotten word to me.)
The past few days have been spent alternating between playing Touhou, getting bored of Touhou and playing this random FPS game (Quake?), wondering if I managed to enter the FFXIV closed beta, fangirling, dying of nosebleeds, blog-hopping, lamenting everyone else's non-online-ness at 3am, wondering why I'm up at 3am anyway, going back to Touhou, torrenting random anime to watch, trolling 4chan (i'm not that bored yet), and generally doing nothing at all.
What a wonderful waste of holidays.
...then again, isn't that the whole point?
Actually pretty happy at the moment, due to certain events yesterday and today.
Probably going to end up not sleeping again tonight. Gah I have got to stop watching random stuff on Youtube.
It's like, *video ends* Oh look, that one looks interesting too. *clicks* That one as well. *clicks* Wait, what? I never knew this one existed! *clicks*
Not as bad as TV Tropes yet, but well.
Naming names here could potentially be fatal, so...
Oh, nevermind.
I'm starting to get sleepy. I think I'll just go to sleep.
...what, did I say I wasn't going to? Oh right, I did.
Then again, I haven't finished watching all those videos I loaded yet...
... kimi ga suki dayo / baka mitai...
SGCC briefing at NYP today.
Nothing much to say about it, other than that we spent half the time waiting for the talks to start. And that half the people who were supposed to be there didn't go. In the end, only Josephine, Wanling and I turned up in the morning, then Xin Ai joined us in the afternoon.
(I find it rather ironic that Alex told us we had "no excuses" not to go, but he didn't show up. Probably in SMO or something. Still, SMO was only in the morning, so they could have at least gone in the afternoon.)
It ended 2hrs early, so since Ming Wei had smsed me earlier asking if I was going to Kino, I decided to see if he still wanted to go. Turned out he had already gone himself after I told him I wasn't going. =.=
And then Wanling and I couldn't think of anywhere to kill time at (neither of us brought enough money to make going to Kino anywhere at all worth it), and crashing Kenneth's house wasn't an option since he apparently booked back in, I dragged her to Tampines Library. Where we camped next to a power point and played Touhou.
Also, I feel like a tremendous idiot now.
So there was L2P over the weekend, and I didn't go since I didn't think there would be anything interesting there. Then today, I found out that there were Touhou figurines being sold there.
I headwalled.
It wasn't the figurine I wanted, neither was it particularly hard to obtain from online shops, but still.
Meh, back to fangirling over Maonyan.