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Just got back from MAD concert at school. It. Was. Awesome.
Especially since Claire's singing teacher came to sing, and having the music sheet to follow makes the song a lot more understandable~
In short, AWESOME.
Rest of today was rather crappy though. Started with Mentoring. Preparing for Cyber Wellness Fair.
Then Chem.
Forgot my notes for the second time this week. =.=
More on drawing structures.
Also, I think Cyrus got scarred for life by the contents of my phone.
Break. Went to 309. Down to canteen, back up since Russell wanted to mug.
English next. A presentation, then finished the journal in class.
Chinese. Which was one whole hour of nothing but basically, as our teacher puts it, '讲废话'.
Then we were given our Chinese presentation topic: games. Any kind. Computer included.
No prizes for guessing what I'm doing. *grins*
More break. Went down to have lunch with 305.
Then went back up and stole Pin's iPod Touch.
Bio next. Got Quiz 1 and Practical 2 back.
Discussed those, then went down to the lab for Practical 3.
Let's just say that at the end, we got bored, and started randomly chopping up the materials. Which were all vegetables, so...
To quote someone: "In any other situation, this would make a nice salad."
Also, I failed to get any purple cabbage juice (sorry Edith!), but I did get... something else.
It nearly poked my leg several times. >.<
And then CCA. Very very slack. Ended up helping Wanling with tracing out her scanned drawings. And generally slacking a lot.
I still don't like the pen tool. Or Illustrator, but at least we're doing Photoshop next CCA session.
Then kind of abandoned Wanling to go find the others.
Eventually ended sitting in the canteen with Claire, her aforementioned singing teacher (condensed AWESOME), Cyrus and Edith.
And occasionally Claire going to conduct more torture-by-singing on Ming Wei, which resulted in... much lulz. And discovering that he has high pokability.
And unrelated, but also part of a Subway cookie~
Then the concert itself. WHICH WAS AWESO-
Dance was nice! So was the Sound and Music one. And the vocal ones! And all the others too~
And Claire went to torture-slash-sing-at Ming Wei further during the intermission, but for once, he didn't run from her singing. Mainly because he was accompanying on violin.
Then the second half!
All performed by orchestra, and the waltz piece was a nice idea.
And the second last song sounded very familiar. Then I realised the opening phrases were almost the same as in Sepette for the Undead Princess.
Was also having a SMS conversation with Kenneth during then.
Me: So is your brain mush yet? What's one plus one?
Kenneth: *message is blank*
Meh. Will now go play Touhou some more~
When Pandora’s box was opened and misery began flowing out, what was left in the end?
That's right. It's despair.
Did I say I'd sleep earlier?
That bit seems to have gone down the drain.
I seem to be moving further and further away from the intended route.
And heading down an equally doomed one.
Ah well, doesn't matter.
Screw the routes, I'll just enjoy myself for a bit.
At least that's what the Year 2s seem to think.
Our class is the only one with a blank space where our Cyber Wellness poster should be (ehehehe), and according to Edith, it got the most votes.
Makes me tempted to email a joke poster over instead of the one I finally finished.
Should stop zombie-ing my way through morning assembly.
In other words, sleep earlier tonight.
(I know you're reading this. Look, what part of "stop reading my blog" do you not understand?)
>Start Game
[ ] New Game
[X] Saved Game
>Please wait warmly...
>Game loaded.
- Chapter 279 -
Break is ending as you dash up the stairs, hoping to make it to the classroom before the teacher arrives. Being late for a test is not part of your intention.
... even if being slightly late for every other class is.
The teacher walks in bare minutes after you make it to your seat, holding what you assume to be the test papers.
The wave of last-minute revision begins, the teacher methodically explaining the solutions to the problems in the revision paper he gave your class.
You reach into your bag, then sigh as you realise that you left your notes at home.
You can only hope the test won't be too hard.
- [!] Event: Physics Test -
[ ] Focus on MCQ
[X] Focus on Structured
[ ] Focus on Bonus Question
[ ] Slack
>[X] Focus on Structured.
You glance over the paper once it is given out, breathing a sigh of relief as you read the questions.
It is nowhere near as hard as you dreaded, and thankfully tests little from the latest set of notes.
The MCQ seems easy enough at first glance; you can leave those for later. Answering the structured questions first might be a better strategy; you don't want to run out of time for those.
Turning on your GC, you set to work calculatinng the answers, hoping that whatever little last-minute revision you managed to get will pull you through.
... that didn't seem too hard. You pull your GC towards you, carefully checking your answers. Nothing seems off, so you turn back to the early pages and set to work on the MCQ.
... seems to have gone fine too. You glance at the clock; you have perhaps ten minutes left to attempt the bonus question.
You turn the page, and find yourself staring blankly at it.
Some inkling of how to solve it is swirling in your mind, but you doubt there is time enough to slowly attempt it...
[ ] Guess randomly.
[X] Work it out slowly.
[ ] Give up.
[ ] Recheck your other answers.
>[X] Work it out slowly.
You sigh, pulling out a pencil and getting to work on part (a). You're using the correct equations, of that you're sure, but something...
Wait. The answer you just got can't be right.
Frowning, you re-enter the calculations into your GC, but the same values emerge. Surely this can't be right...
[ ] Redo the question.
[X] Move on to part (b).
>[X] Move on to part (b).
Never mind, it's just the bonus question. Better to move on to the next part.
... wait. You can't possibly answer part (b) using the value you got earlier.
Which means your answer has to be incorrect.
You pick up your pencil again, finger poised to enter yet more numbers into your GC--
"Time's up, pens down."
The teacher begins collecting the papers, and with another sigh, you release your pencil.
Looks like you won't be getting marks for the bonus question then.
Class dismisses, and you walk out of the classroom towards the stairs, the test already fading from your mind.
- Chapter End -
[X] Save Game and Quit
[ ] Quit
>End Game
And there. Today's Physics test.
That took suprisingly long to type.
On a different note...
If you were anyone else, I'd probably be jealous of you.
You've everything I could want, and you're everything I'd want to be.
And if they were anyone else, I'd probably dislike you.
Even though I'm doing the exact same thing, if it weren't the two of them...
Finally started typing posts on Notepad before posting them.
@Blogger: HA.
Also, fine, you win, Imitation Black is an awesome song.
I still say it's not as awesome as Fate Rebirth and Go Google It though~
Not that I was even planning anything.
Just that I seem to have misinterpeted everything majorly.
Doesn't matter for now, though.
And I didn't get the jacket after all. I blame Pin. Since I was too busy playing his iPod Touch to notice that I had missed the stop.
Oh well. Some other time then.
So today started with a briefing in the Theaterette. About Cyber Wellness Fair.
(Which I still haven't finished the poster for, but nevermind.)
And then moved on to something I didn't really pay attention to. Something about universities and a site called Naviance.
And then collection of transcripts.
Then English. In which our group discussed this advertising project.
All I can say is, I am not going to do the drawing for this as well.
Then Math. Half the lesson was spent teaching, then the rest doing two worksheets.
Slacked, and drew a lot of chibis on the worksheets.
Break. Went down to find 309 having not-English. So we went to the canteen for lunch.
Then went back up. And the 309-ers went back to class while I went to 303. And it got amusing around the end of break when Wei Hao came in to call Claire out.
Turned out that him, Jonathan and Anlong were restraining Ming Wei while asking Claire to sing at him. =.=
Don't ask.
Then Chinese.
Discussed Zaobao.
Then more break. In which everyone gathered in 303. Watched Claire take this personality quiz on Naviance and mother over Kuoxuan. Then eventually everyone except Cyrus left.
Then went to bother 305 for a bit. Ming Wei came up and asked if I had a laptop with me since he wanted to play Touhou.
I didn't, so we went downstairs to see if Xiangwen was around so we could borrow his laptop.
which he wasn't.
And we were debating whether we should actually try the com labs, but then I managed to steal borrow Wanling's laptop.
Then spent the next hour watching Ming Wei play Touhou and fail at it since he was trying to show off and give a running commentary while playing on Hard.
Then found ex-207 and went home with them.
Now slacking while reading TVTropes. And downloading CD dramas.
Yucchi's voice is awesome~
Left my wallet at home today. >.<
Looks like I can't get that jacket today then.
Also, it's finally raining... or rather, it was.
Our school windows fail miserably at keeping the rain out.
Now in supposed-to-be-Chinese class. Only our teacher isn't here, so we were just given a worksheet and told to do it.
Expectedly, I can't be bothered. It isn't due today anyway. I hope.
Sometimes this class feels way too muggerish. I miss 207's... um... I suppose I could call it sprit? The way everyone would just ditch pointless work/copy off Ian's answers together and either rush out to play netball, or at least liven up the classroom.
Although we got caught for that several times...
*is nostalgic*
Meh. Now the front row is discussing the worksheet, the back row is slacking amongst themselves, and everyone else is... I have no idea.
Also, my badge is missing. >.<
And if the email was correct, I have PA training later. Edith suggests announcing 'I lost The Game' to the entire school.
I still want a new jacket. I'll probably go buy that one I saw either today (very unlikely), tomorrow (possible) or Wednesday (probably).
And Double Spoiler still has not shipped in~ Whyyy~
Also, epic quote from this morning about the school canteen:
"I can't see anything Japanese about the Japanese stall. It's just a cai fan stall which uses teriyaki sauce. Eh, but don't quote me on this."
Banana Ice + Eggplant = OT3
Meh. My posting rate seems to be dying. Or is it already dead?
Now watching K20 - Legend of the Mask. Only it's showing with traditional chinese subs, so I either have to try and read those or rely on my not-good-at-all japanese.
It's a nice movie though.
Other than the constant dialogue about 'creating a new world'.
Also, watching the stunts makes me want to learn parkour. >.<
And I'm somewhat bored.
I could go on fangirling, but not here.
Also, our Physics project is almost done~
Let's just say the foreign students had a couple of very nice seniors who helped a lot.
Meh. Can't think of anything else to post for now.
Yoru-senpai and Sha2 are now in a relationship?
I feel outdated.
Since when, anyway?
Sometimes I reread my emo posts.
And then I think that I'm being overly dramatic.
But then when I'm emo I reread my other posts.
And then I think I'm being too carefree.
And then sometimes I wonder if I should just stop blogging altogether.
Don't think I will anytime soon though.
And anyway, today was epic.
Finally met up with the rest of the Seven again~
It's been a long time~
(Yes, yes, I do realise I'm the one who chose to skip all the previous outings...)
Not bothering with a detailed post since anyone who reads this probably went.
And Yoru-senpai, I am not amused by your 'pet' jokes. =___=
So, uh, went home with Onion. While discussing various gaming-and-manga-related stuff (yay for Ichigo's posture change! And Vesperia, even though I've only played like this teeny portion of the beginning. And I did get through the fight! I just... lost.), pairings and evil laughs.
Don't ask about the last one.
And I'm not much of a gamer. Unless you count Touhou.
And the movie was nice~
Well parts of it were. Like the 3D effects and the backgrounds and the Cat and the Dormouse and the Hatter and the Hat and the weird dance.
The plot kind of fell apart halfway.
But it was awesome anyway~
And Alice should so have stayed. And the flashback scenes with young Alice were really really really cute~
And I'm still having doubts about going on Friday.
I suppose I will though.
Double Spoiler should be here in a few days~
F5-ing people's blogs to see if they've posted anything new is not a good way to spend a sleepless night.
Then again, neither is emo-ing and generally killing my sanity.
When did we first start drifting apart?
Maybe I should have gotten the hint around then.
Maybe you were just too nice to say it outright.
But it would have hurt less than you avoiding me now.
Went for Bio quiz makeup today. After postponing it for nearly a month.
And I still managed to get only 7 marks.
The fact that 1 term has already gone past only sank in properly today.
Kind of hard to believe everything that happened this term... drama, drama and more drama.
I wonder if I should be apprehensive about the next.
And yet, everything seems so surreal now that it's over.
It was fun, I suppose, but... how long can it last?
... I think I'm rambling. Nevermind.
BAD END's not getting any further away, but why not enjoy the remainder of this route, ne?
So the holidays have technically started.
Except it's not really holidays since I'm supposed to be in school on Mon-Wed anyway.
At least the Physics lessons on Tuesday and Wednesday are optional. Although I probably should go for the Tuesday one at least.
And then skip the Wednesday one to watch Alice in Wonderland with the rest of the Seven.
I'm finally going for one of those reunions. Yay~
But on Monday there's PA training, or something like that. =.=
And Year 3 and 4 IFC members have to go.
Which means no junior-bothering.
Hm. Been reading a lot of fics lately.
My writing is still bad though.
Except I know my writing style has... changed? Not really, more like I now have multiple styles.
Feels like I'm absorbing the styles of whatever I read.
And then picking one to use depending on my mood.
Which means there's no 1 particular style I use anymore. Which also means none of them are particularly well-practiced.
Meh. I want my old writing habits back.
And since I'm bored, here's a random plotline-thing. Maybe I'll use it for Nanowrimo or something.
Once upon a time, there was a boy. Like most shounen anime protagonists, he had a bunch of nakama. And like most shounen anime protagonists, he had a bunch of beliefs.
And one day, he was given the power of X.
After a while of blundering around and learning to use it, one of his nakama was kidnapped by the antagonist, so the boy and his remaining nakama set out to rescue her.
On the way, they were aided by a mysterious teacher figure, whose tragic past had prompted him to help them.
After defeating many of the antagonist's minions, some of whom joined them, the boy rescued his nakama and finally came face-to-face with the antagonist.
The power of X was not enough, and the boy was easily beaten.
So the antagonist managed to escape, while the boy went to the teacher figure for training.
During training, the boy unlocked a new, unheard-of superpower. Unfortunately, this superpower came with an evil alter ego who liked to take over the boy's body, but mostly manifested as a sinister voice in the boy's mind.
And so the boy went off to fight the antagonist and his new, improved and thoroughly ebil minions.
And then they faced off for the second time.
The antagonist beat up the boy easily, even with his new superpower, and then proceeded to taunt the boy by gloating about his plans.
Except the evil alter ego chose this point to take over, and proceeded to win and kill the antagonist.
And as he lay dying, the antagonist warned the boy that he was only part of a larger plot...
... what?
>>Engage! VS elearning, Distraction
>>To win: defeat all enemies!
>>Student Tech
>student tech
>>Do Homework
>do homework
>>You cast Do Homework on elearning!
>>elearning takes 20 damage!
>>You gain 20 EXP!
>>elearning casts Emo-fy on you!
>>You take 10 damage!
>>Status Effect: Emo
>>elearning gains 1 EXP!
>>Distraction casts Distract!
>>elearning regains 5 HP!
>>Distraction gains 14 EXP!
>>You take 5 damage!
>>Distraction gains 4 EXP!
>>Student Tech
>student tech
>>Do Homework
>>You cast Multitask!
>>elearning takes 10 damage!
>>You gain 20 EXP!
>>Distraction takes 5 damage!
>>Status Effect: Asleep
>>You gain 16 EXP!
>>elearning casts Server Lag!
>>You take 10 damage!
>>elearning gains 1 EXP!
>>Distraction is asleep!
>>Student Tech
>>You summon Internet!
>>elearning takes 9999 damage!
>>elearning is defeated!
>>You gain 20 EXP + 1 JP!
>>Distraction takes 9999 damage!
>>Distraction is defeated!
>>You gain 16 EXP + 1 JP!
>>Battle Won!
>>Free Time x1
>>300 AP
>>800 Gil
>>Area List
>>Save Game
>>Load Game
>>Exit Game
>save game
>>Saving... Do Not Turn Off The Power
>>Game Saved
>exit game
If only elearning were that easy...
I just spent nearly half an hour typing this.
While not getting any elearning stuff done.
Alternating between boredom, sian-ness, and not-playing-any-games-since-I-should-be-doing-work.
In other words, elearning is Epic Phailz.
On the bright side, though...
Done with Chem Quiz.
I don't think I did well.
The notes weren't particularly helpful.
And I still have to post 2 questions on the Chem Forum.
And discuss some articles on the Chinese ones.
And do this Japanese essay.
And draw 2 mind maps, 1 by hand and 1 on the computer. Don't know which is worse.
And I'm not going to bother with Math since there's no actual elearning assignment, just some Powerpoint slide notes.
Not going to watch 1hr of Bio videos either.
Less sleepy, and thankfully the mosquito bites have subsided...
I can still smell Tiger Balm though.
Blogger has just gone and lost my post twice in a row.
And I slept very little last night.
Thanks to a mosquito which decided to attack bite me multiple times.
So I spent most of the night either trying to ignore the bites or rubbing Tiger Balm on them.
Eventually went to seek refuge in my sister's room.
Which is why I'm actually awake at 7am.
And I have to go to school later today.
So that we can go to Science Centre for SSEF.
I'd much rather not.
Especially since I still have a ton of undone elearning stuff.
Like 2 mind maps and 1 SEQ. And also the Chem quiz.
Trying not to play Plants VS Zombies. Or Touhou.
And I'm sleeepy.
Got woken up at 6 today.
Because I forgot to tell my father there was elearning.
Then went back to sleep.
And woke up much later than I intended, after 10.
Meh. Elearning homework is bearable, if slightly more than normal.
Listing it down here since I'm bored.
History1 SBQ
Forum thingy
Mind map
Mind map (did I mention that I dislike these?)
Worksheet thingy + newspaper articleJournal thingy
... wow. Nothing.
(I think.)
Forum thingy
Assignment 2
Plus I have to makeup the quiz on Friday. Blehhh.
Forum thingy
Some online assignment
... and that's all, I think.
Thinking of privating this blog to keep certain people out.
6 days until Double Spoiler comes out.
Which means I only have Friday to check if Yuuka Ming Wei and Josephine want a copy too.
Which gives me 3 days to get the order across.
Now playing with Miku Miku Dance.
And trying to download more Vocaloids.
If only there were translated versions. Wading through the kanji is a pain.
So apparently Edith think's I'm emo-ing. Just for the record, I'm not.
Well, not right now, at least.
Haven't posted for some time since Blogger kept on losing my posts, and I'm too lazy to retype everything.
Today was Chem quiz and Chinese test.
Chem quiz... unless I messed up majorly somewhere, I should be fine.
Chinese, however... let's just say I might as well drop to normal Chinese right now. It'd probably spare me quite a bit of future agony.
And the daily recap is back. Heh.
Started today with assembly in the hall. Some presentation on YOG, with extremely cheesy voiceovers. Not too long, and therefore bearable.
During which Yuuka Ming Wei told me that Touhou 12.5 had been announced. Yay~
And then Chem. Quiz, then more on Lewis structures, which are actually more tedious than anything else.
Break. Went down and ate with some 302-ers, then went up to 309 and watched Edith mug for Chinese.
All I can say is, it's probably a lost cause.
English, in which we had a graded compre. Spent most of the time drawing on the paper.
Chinese, in which aforementioned test happened. Let's not talk about it...
Then more break, in which I hung around the canteen being bored until Bio was supposed to start.
Which Rania and I had permission to skip, except that I ended up ditching the Ritsumeikan opening ceremony thingy as well. Hehehe.
So after spending the next hour playing cards instead of watching the ceremony, I finally went up to view the posters. Met Claire and Rania, and then we took some buddy-less Ritsumeikan students on a school tour.
Then just wandered around viewing posters and such.
And then the tea reception. This time it was 4 trays of bee hoon. Guess what, all were unfinished. =.=
Although the eclairs went pretty fast. So did the cheesecake.
And in the end, everyone was asked to help finished the food.
And sometime around here, YuukaMing Wei appeared, and decided to be late for CCA after confirming that he was allowed to eat the food. So we ended up discussing the upcoming Touhou 12.5.
It's called Double Spoiler, and the demo costs 1000 yen and comes out in 9 days. Still wondering if I should get some friends in Japan to help me ship it over.
And then went for CCA 20min late. Nothing much here, except that I ended up not ditching CCA at 5 for the closing ceremony.
And then went home with Wanling as usual, and spent the journey playing Plants Vs Zombies. That game is dangerously addictive.
Now playing Touhou, and failing at it. Maybe I should stop watching Xiangwen's replays. The watch-and-learn tactic does not seem to work here. Especially when his method of capturing Fantasy Heaven involves 'perpendicular motion' and basically lots of don't-panic-and-try-to-analyze-the-patterns-and-wait-for-timeout-style random dodging.
I can't even perfect the 'triangle of infinite graze' yet.
And 12.5 is going to be 'harder than the rest of the games'...
Meh. Back to Touhou~