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As I discovered after checking the AFA website and discovering the Ask The Celebrity Cosplayers section.
And this is really not a good time for fangirling, but...
KANAME☆. Is. Awesome.
Speaking of which, my Ameblo is dead.
And to think I originally intended to post there at least once a week.
Oh well.
I had several weird dreams last night. Some I'm typing down, others I'd rather not remember. *shudder*
The eye one was definitely interesting though. In-dream, I was thinking that I'd never experienced something like that before, and wondering how my mind was going to render the sensation.
Yeah, lucid dreaming. In which I knew how exactly everything was supposed to go, just that it never went that way, and I couldn't do anything to change the dream.
Essentially, I was just watching the entire dream sequence from inside my body without being able to interact with it.
Still annoyed that I ended up kicking the wall and waking up.
The cat yesterday was cute!
It's also apparently camera-shy, since every time I pointed my phone camera at it, it looked away.
And it yawned!
In the end, after taking about 5 photos, I finally managed to get a nice one, and had to leave since it was late and starting to drizzle.
Yuuka, the Black Gold Saw figma costs $52.
Quick post, since I'm supposed to be, erm, studying.
But tomorrow's Bio and Chinese, Bio doesn't need much revision, and Chinese is a lost cause anyway, so here I am posting instead.
And I've forgotten what I was intending this post to be about. Oh well.
The H-scenes in FSN aren't half as bad as they sounded. Then again, I've only gotten to the first 2.
Suprisingly enough, no obvious seafood references yet. Or maybe I'm just not looking hard enough.
And I still can't figure out to kill stuff with swords in Minecraft. Every time I try killing a creeper without using my bow or dropping gravel, I die.
Must remember not to bring calculator into Bio exam tomorrow.
Oh crap, I just remembered my e-dictionary ran out of batteries.
Time to go find some more.
Proven: Sleep is needed so as not to fall asleep during the afternoon.
Also proven: Minecraft is just way too addictive. I think I spent nearly 12hrs straight playing it.
And walked through this gargantuan natural cave that started at around sea level and eventually went deep enough to hit diamond and redstone. Oh, and included at least 4 instances of falling lava.
I've been playing Minecraft for over 4hrs already?!
I opened Minecraft at 11.30, and hey, why's it suddenly 4am?
Seriously, Minecraft is turning into even more of a time waster than TV Tropes.
On the bright side, my new way of killing mobs is 'stand on floating platform and drop sand/gravel down until they suffocate'. It works as long as there're no skeletons, in which case I hastily retreat from the edge.
Managed to take down 6 creepers with this. Something that I still cannot manage with a sword. Yay~
Oh, and screencaps!
I started this world yesterday, so it's not very big yet, but then again, I'll probably keep it small until after the Halloween update.
Suprisingly, I hit iron less than 5min after starting to mine. Then again, I walked into a rather large natural cave.
My base. Yay for floating structures! Should really deal with that oversized tree though.
The inside of the base. I have no idea what to put here besides the obligatory chests, workbench and furnace.
The tree farm! With the oversized tree spoiling the entire thing.
The 'crouch at edge and drop sand/gravel until mob dies' platform. Directly above a crater which serves as a reminder not to get too close to the edge when dropping blocks or I may just fall directly onto a creeper.
Cactus farm! Still looking for reeds to add...
The hidden storage room~
With sections for food, cobblestone, dirt, sand and random stuff.
Entrance to said room. I like water+ladder-type underwater entrances a bit too much.
Added a wheat farm sometime after taking screenshots, and an infinite water spring (which, weirdly enough, still has water flow). Also managed to kill a spider, 2 skeletons and a zombie with the gravel drop, then hit the wrong block and found out that the area directly underneath was in fact made of floating sand. Luckily I wasn't standing on one of those blocks when I hit it.
Also nearly killed myself trying to block off lava flow in my mine, then remembered I had a bucket and bucketed the source. Now I have a bucket of lava sitting uselessly in my chest.
Also, do flowers actually do anything? Or are they just pretty decorations?
Also, and probably most importantly, I should be revising for exams instead.
So... after finally coming back to the Internet, one of the first things I find is... (click) this.
I don't like stepping into Internet messes, but this one is just... seriously?
And I think I'll stop typing here before I say something incredibly stupid and flame-worthy. Yeah.
So in the end, after attempting to file my Chem, I realise that I'm only missing about 5 items. 4, if you don't count the module outline. Not too bad, given that I'd expected to have lost about half the notes by now.
Never mind that I completely fail the 'corrections done and notes filled in' criteria anyway.
Was going to sleep earlier. Decided to do filing instead. Got sidetracked to Minecraft forums.
Now wondering if I should just stay up all night or something.
I really don't think I'm going to sleep at all tonight. But then there's tomorrow morning, which includes History and Physics consecutively (read: borefest).
Started writing again. As expected, not writing fanfics is easier. Unless the fandom I'm writing for is just that badly characterized enough to give me free rein, in which case there's no reason why I'd actually like said fandom enough to write fanfic for it.
Meh, whatever.
Finally started a different blog to dump the stuff I write onto. No, I'm not linking it.
I started typing, and the first thing I noticed was that it was still in Compose mode. Gah.
In any case, I do not like Compose mode.
I should be sleeping.
Even though I'm barely feeling sleepy. (Although that's just because I'm too busy staring at my computer screen.)
So I should file Chem instead.
Only I really don't know where 70% (give or take maybe 20%) of my Chem stuff is. Ohnoes.
Maybe I will sleep after all.
After today's rather... interesting ACE lesson, I shall attempt to be as politically incorrect as possible here.
The key word being attempt.
... ...
... ...
...well, maybe not. But whatever.
Today included our very interesting ACE lesson, which basically involved (click) this blogpost being shown to the whole class. Along with Mr Wong's comments about the rather interesting nature of the blog in question.
Then again, I think most people knew that already.
Today also included me crashing the Year 2 Da Vinci session, and somehow ending up guest-starring in their skit. The one we had to do last year and include the surprise quote 'Tomorrow will give us something new to think about.'
It was fun.
Today also included more whiteboard-vandalism (303's this time), with the Holy Cow and Holy Cheese and Holy Shit being drawn on the board.
Today also included me managing to fold a Renzuru after only 2 tries~
Well, so it was a simple 4-cranes one, but still.
On the first try, I pulled too hard while trying to fold, and accidentally ripped it into half. So now I have 2 pairs instead of 4 joined ones.
On the second try, I actually thought before tearing, and decided that folding all the lines before tearing the paper was probably better. And it worked~
Although the difficulty probably had something to do with the fact that I was using the already-quite-small pieces of paper. Which normally seems too big at times.
Today also included more stock lessons. Those aren't really worth talking about.
Also, from a conversation with 309-ers:
Russell: I now know what futa is. You people are sick.
Nikki: What is futa?
Russell: Futa is--
Me + Wee Thean: LALALALALA. Russell, don't scar people.
Russell: Futa is when you have both parts. *nod nod*
Nikki: I don't get it.
Kimmy: You don't know futa?
Me + Russell + Wee Thean: o.O
Kimmy: You know, in Reborn, Futa...
Me + Russell + Wee Thean + Nikki: Huh?
Kimmy: Do you read Katekyo Hitman Reborn? Futa is the [blah] character who [blah]...
Me + Russell + Wee Thean: *laughing*
Kimmy: What?
Nikki: *confused*
I wants Halloween update.
I has new earphones!
I is happy~
I has also discovered that folding stuff is a good way to pass time on the MRT.
I think I'll just number the titles like this whenever I can't think of anything to type in them.
Which is often, but whatever.
Today was interesting.
Except I'm just too lazy to type much here.
I mean the "sex scene" (read: CG dolphin swims around in sparkly water) in the Unlimited Blade Works movie.
There is probably something wrong with either that scene or the rest of the movie when after watching it, the only thing I can think about is at least dolphin > dragon.
Never mind that the movie had Archer being awesome.
Never mind that the movie was waaay too compressed.
Never mind that the movie has more plotholes than I care to count.
Never mind that the movie is mostly incomprehensible unless you've already finished the entire VN.
Never mind that movie cut out half the source material.
What really matters is that the (badly CGI-ed) dragon got replaced by a (slightly better CGI-ed) dolphin. Which didn't even mutilate anyone.
I wonder what they'll put in Heaven's Feel if it ever gets animated. (Pleasepleaseplease let it involve Nasu's legendary seafood sex...)
Yay dungeons!
Although I should really be doing my Chem filing. That and finishing up Chem prac.
Also, maybe (ok, probably) I should have crashed the semi-309 food outing earlier. Since all I did at home was game and sleep anyway.
As quoted from a certain source:
And God said, "Here, look at these pamphlets about adoption. Now, you don't have to decide right away..."
And Steve replied, "Well, aren't we the only people in the world?"
And God said, "Right. Where do you think the women your sons will marry come from? You get to borrow from those other gods' women. I'm not going to make you all by hand."
And Steve replied, "...ew. Boobies."
And it was good.
To Onion: HA. (I'm joking.)
Someday, I will learn that checking the arama/dears/sidnad/insert-whatever-here lj comm just before I plan was originally planning to sleep is generally a bad idea.
... someday.
*needs next week's episode of Bleach nao*
I seriously can't think of anything to type here.
Except I don't like leaving stuff abandoned (though I do it all the time anyway).
So this post shall be, as were the previous all-of-them or so, completely useless.
If you made a diagram of emo-ness, there'd be 10: completely happy!!!, and at the other end, 0: CENSOREDoffleavemealonewhatstheCENSOREDingpoint.
Most diagrams would end there.
But then, if you went past 0, into the non-existent negatives, there'd be The Void.
Much like the Minecraft one - an empty sometimes-bright-sometimes-dark-depending-on-when-you-fell-in kind of nothingness.
And once you fall in, there's no hope of getting back out, except to restart over.
And then once you fall in enough times, despite all the warnings and hole-patching you did, you get annoyed and fed up, and simply give up on the game.
(At least, I did.)
Yeah, I'm rambling.
Back to fic-writing then.
Oh, and to everyone who's abandoned their blogs: UPDATE!
I need something to read. Something that's not TV Tropes. =X