About 2am. And I'm still awake.
Plus that annoying clenching-stomach feeling is back.
Somehow, "gut-wrenching feeling" doesn't quite seem to fit here.
Blog-hopping is generally emo-fying.
Getting very tired, but I just can't fall asleep.
Something tells me that I'm going to end up sleeping in class tomorrow.
Eirin! Eirin! Tasukete ERINNNNN!
Posting randomly for no apparent reason, other than that I'm bored.
Really bored.
Kinda tired, but not sleepy yet.
And my earlier attempt at writing stuff was fail. So was drawing.
Whatever little talent I had in those seems to have vanished.>.<
At least we got our History SBQs back today. Even if it took what seems like a month for him to finally mark it.
It's 11.55pm.
I'm still bored. And I can't sleep.
The Ritsumeikan students are arriving tomorrow. I hope my Japanese doesn't fail on me.
Although watching Wang Bo get shot down by his buddies might be interesting.
Trying to work on Koyomi is hopeless. Looks like it'll take longer than I thought to copy the panelling over onto my new sketchbook.
Let's not even start on how horrible the characters look.
12.04am. Good morning, I suppose.
Nothing particularly coherent seems to want to enter my brain. Lots of emo-ing and general disjointed possibilities.
None of which are even vaguely likely anyway.
I still have a 随笔 left to write. 小论快乐.
I could probably do it if it weren't in Chinese. Or if I hadn't been emo-ing so much recently.
I think I'll just go play Touhou some more.
Looks like the hyperness is finally wearing off.
Today... was Isaac's deathday. No dress, which was sad... Although watching Kuoxuan trying to lick him was amusing. And of course, plenty of Claire and Kuoxuan tickling Isaac.
And I'd elaborate further, but as Claire said, we're screwed if any teachers find out.
I highly doubt any teachers read this blog, but just in case.
And for the rest of the day, refer to previous posts.
Only thing different was Math Test 1.
Spent last night mugging, so it was ok, pretty easy actually.
I haven't been able to write anything decent lately. Blogposts included.
Other than emo-ing.
This mask is almost perfect now. So easy to put it on at will. Too easy, perhaps.
And so nothing's changed, and I'm still clinging on.
Even though it's already the second playthrough.
Even though the first one is nearing BAD END.
The first playthrough is almost finished. It's about time I ended it, really. It's about time I moved on.
Just a little longer...
And the second playthrough has begun. Different characters, different setting, but I'm going down the same route.
And although I know it's going to BAD END eventually too... I suppose I don't really care anymore.
Narrowly avoided a couple of BAD ENDs already. This second playthrough is overly complicated.
Too many BAD ENDs to avoid, and the main plot isn't that interesting either.
Too many characters, and too many subplots to deal with at once. Even if they are more interesting than the (supposedly) main plot.
At least the first playthrough was less depressing.
Trying to CYOA-ize life makes it easier to deal with. Don't ask.
And yeah, I've been reading too much touhou-project recently.
And yay, I get to skip Bio, Chinese and CCA on Friday. And then we're probably going out around Orchard after the Ritsumeikan students leave. I don't have to be back in school until the parent's briefing thing ends anyway...
Now working on re-panelling the 1st chapter of Koyomi. It should be done by Friday or so.
And no, Ming Wei, I will not call you Yuuka-sama.
Even though nothing much happened during it, only before and after.
But epic anyway.
So anyway Claire brought photos of her 5 or so loli-ish dresses, and we were going to make Isaac pick one to wear. Except Isaac had the Moot Parliament thing, so we couldn't find him before the field trip.
And then of course Kuoxuan asked what we were going to do to Isaac this time, so Claire showed him the photos.
And then he agreed to swap groups for the Ritsumeikan buddy thing, so yay~
And then Claire, Edith, Ji Hyun and I sat somewhere between-307-and-309-and-possibly-invading-308-but-never-mind and continued to plan for next Wednesday.
While Claire fangirled over her new Halo book.
And then went with my class for the field trip. Which was kinda ok. Because we got a lot of help from teachers. And thanks Edith for pointing out the conifer~
And then talked with Ming Wei and Ka Keng about Touhou, and generally emo-ed over how my Touhou level wasn't anywhere near theirs. >.<
And apparently Claire has started calling Ming Wei 'Yuuka'. Which he finds weird.
Well, he did ask for it... no, really.
Also, Edith, I don't think I mention him that much on this blog.
Then found Claire talking to Kuoxuan, so Edith and I went to join them. Can't remember what we talked about, other than that it ended in a D&D vs Halo argument between Claire and me.
Which Halo won, because it's more mainstream or something... >.<
And then couldn't decide whether to take the bus back to school or just wait around Botanic Gardens.
Decided to go back to school in the end. Since it was still early, and Claire was going to find Isaac back in school and make him choose a dress.
Except he wasn't there when we arrived. Because the Moot Parliament thingy was elsewhere, or something. So I just hung around, then left at 11.
And I have managed to convert Wanling into a Touhou fan~
*feels proud of self*
Although she's going to get better than me soon too...
Back to Touhou playing then~
Been playing Touhou for the past hour or so.
Perhaps I shouldn't have watched Xiangwen's replays. And he makes it look so easy. >.<
Now I feel very discouraged~
Meh. Emo time.
Strange how I only realised today that I've been watching myself around you.
Careful not to let any hint of my actual feelings slip.
Afraid to anger you again.
Stranger how relieving it feels when I don't have to.
When I can finally let myself go while with them.
Why does the Bio field trip have to be tomorrow~
Don't wanna go~
I have waking up early on weekends...
And I don't think I'm capable of posting anything else vaguely coherent now.
Back to Touhou then.
Sick and tired of this.
Of putting on a fake smile every time we meet.
Of pretending we don't know each other.
Of these feelings.
I wish I could hate you.
It would make everything so much easier.
But no, for some reason, I can't.
And so I have to deal with this damn guilt instead.
It's not getting any easier.
Let's hope the html works correctly.
Today... was boring. Really boring.
The only vaguely interesting happening was during break.
Started with morning assembly in the hall due to yet more China exchange students.
Kind of dozed through it.
Then Math. A lot of going-through-corrections, and 1 or 2 new things which were pretty easy anyway.
English. Ms Lam gave us a worksheet to do, which I ended up drawing on.
Break. Went down to 303, then went to 309 with Claire and Cyrus. Found out they were having physics makeup during their break, but since it hadn't started yet we managed to get quite a bit of fun out of discussing Isaac's impending doom. Somehow, Claire decided it would be a good idea to let Yu Han... um... torture Isaac after he was tied up.
Which resulted in Kuoxuan begging to be let to torture him instead.
Then their makeup lesson started, and Claire, Cyrus and I went down to the canteen.
Went back up after Claire got a sketchbook and some sweets.
Passed by 309, and I can't quite remember what we were discussing, but in resulted in Claire calling Kuoxuan out from class. So he agreed to come and watch Isaac's doom next Wednesday, and then I told him about the Ritsumeikan briefing on Monday.
And then we moved to 303. In which we informed Yu Han of his upcoming role in torturing Isaac, and discussed the possibility of putting Isaac in a skirt.
Then had to go for History. Which ended half an hour early as our teacher, the DM, had to go follow the exchange students around or something.
More break. Went down, got something to drink, came back up and actually started doing my overdue Math assignment.
Then Physics. Mainly a quiz/test which, being open-book, was pretty ok.
Half an hour break. Went down to 309, but Edith wasn't there. Went to 303, and found that they were having makeup. Then ran into Edith as I was about to go down.
So we talked with Kuoxuan and Isaac, with a very lol attempt at miming which we didn't actually try.
Kuoxuan wanted us to help him ask Claire to please let him instead of Yu Han torture Isaac, but then we pointed out that Claire was in class, and therefore we couldn't ask her. So Kuoxuan suggested miming the message.
So 'can Kuoxuan torture Isaac?' ended up as:
Flapping motion (because Kuoxuan's nickname is Daiyousei, which means big fairy)
+ poking motion (for torture)
+ creeping around movement (because Isaac's nickname is Nezumi, or rat)
And then Edith and I tried doing it, and decided it was a bad idea.
And then Edith's mom came to pick her up, and I had to go for Japanese.
Which I spent finishing up my Math assignment, and complaining about the Ritsumeikan buddy grouping along with everyone else.
Then tried to find the rest of ex-207 to go home with, but couldn't.
And then called Ian, found out that he was 1 bus ahead, and asked him to wait. Met up with Ian at Commonwealth, then went home together.
Currently don't feel capable of writing anything.
Even though it would be a good idea to.
Too many disjointed thoughts, too many conflicting emotions.
Also, since when did life get so screwed?
It seems that typing blog posts on my phone has become one of my default ways to pass time.
That and typing emo drabbles, also on my phone.
*is amused*
Oh, and this post was typed while waiting at Somerset for Kenneth.
Because we agreed to go to the gaming shop near there together, but it seems there was some miscommunication about timing.
So I'm stuck waiting here for about 20min more.
Today was... suprisingly slack.
First was ACE. Something about communication, and non-verbal cues.
Boring, but it ended early.
English. Presentation by Jonathan and Anlong. Quite good actually, but still slightly sleepifying.
Then Math. Revision of what we learned last lesson.
Time seems to be passing a lot faster today...
Break. Math dismissed 15min early, so I went down to 309. Bothered Julia until their class started.
... and I really don't think I should hang around 309 much anymore. Sorry Edith.
Then Claire and Cyrus walked past, and we went down, Claire got a burger, we went back up, and Claire showed me the seme-uke test she made some people take.
So I took it too. For fun.
Oh, and I see Kenneth now. Looks like I'll have to continue this later.
Now on the MRT. Just realized I took it the wrong way.
Getting off at next station then.
So anyway, continuing from earlier...
So I took the test, and then we proceeded to traumatise Cyrus by showing him clips of... um... certain J-rock live concerts.
And did I mention that Claire was wearing cat ears and a tail, and carrying duct tape around today? This is going to be interesting...
Ming Wei came in, and we started talking about Touhou. As usual.
Then Chinese started, so I dashed up just in time to be slightly late.
We spent the lesson watching this highly amusing and very win crosstalk about a village toilet which was actually a parallel to China's history... yeah, it's better than it sounds.
And then we had yu sheng~
Courtesy of our Chinese teacher, since the foreign students hadn't tried it before.
I usually don't eat yu sheng, but for some reason I decided to try this one, and... it actually wasn't bad.
Even though everyone else says we poured too much honey. Or perhaps because of it?
Went to 309 after that, but Edith had already left. Then went to 303, but Claire was gone too. So I ended up bothering Cyrus until 1.30, then I left.
Went to Somerset as agreed before, but then above happened.
Well anyway we finally figured out where the other person was waiting, then we went to the gaming shop.
Kenneth got a boardgame.
I wanted to get either a Forgotten Realms or Pathfinder book, but there weren't any.
So instead I wandered around the shop being bored and looking at the boardgames and stuff they had, and talked to people there a lot.
Then we went to Kinokuniya. Kenneth showed me where the all the Touhou stuff was.
... I think I'll go again next week, and bring more money next time.
Then we went to Art Friends, which was one floor up. Kenneth wanted a Copic pen, but couldn't find it.
I wanted the eraser of awesome, but they didn't have it.
Then I had to go, so we walked to the Orchard station and I MRTed am now MRTing myself home.
Now it's 8pm or so.
And I've started writing CYOAs again.
Even if they aren't any good.
... sigh.
Long bitchy rant up next.
Blogger, I officially hate you now.
And I actually thought my blogskin glitched when the same post showed up multiple times.
... fine, so spamming the Publish Post button because the page won't load isn't a good idea. But still.
Currently having relatives over.
Trying to entertain my 5-year-old cousin while typing this.
I have a feeling that if I type any further, I'm going to post something I'll regret later.
Especially since I'm still on a major CNY-tidbits high. With sugar and chocolate thrown in.
... I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep anytime soon.
Ah well.
I know I'm misinterpeting a lot, but I'm sure bitchy rants aren't part of 'manipulating'.
... And I'm going to regret typing that, but whatever.
Ugh. Now my stomach hurts.
Any moment now, I'm going to get called to go out and stop being 'antisocial'. Especially since they're leaving.
I suppose I should end this then.
Just got back from visiting relatives.
Which was rather boring.
Nothing worth blogging about has happened since yesterday.
But I thought I'd post anyway.
So, in case you didn't read the post title, happy New Year.
Happy Valentine's Day too.
Also, I find myself unable to write decent CYOAs anymore.
I blame our current English module for killing my inspiration.
And I've been writing a lot of emo stuff lately. Not poetry, which I still can't write. >.<
Just lots of emo drabble stuff.
My plant press is still not finished.
... sigh.
It's illogical, but I'm afraid you'll find out.
That you'll drift even further away.
And that I was only deceiving myself.
Randomly hyper now~
I think the general happy mood in school was infectious~
And now I'm humming along to some random CNY song.
Today was awesome.
Ting got a cloth rose, supposedly from some JE people. Then we started joking about whether it was an angiosperm or gynosperm, and if we should dissect it to find out. At which point Ting tried to stab YS with it.
And Josephine gave everyone Kinder Buenos~
And then Edith got 3rd in jacket design at morning assembly. Congrats~
Then Chem quiz, which I didn't die for~
Even though I didn't study that much.
And then we were dismissed almost an hour early~
Bothered Verina for a while until her class started. Then wandered around the school and ate the chocolate Jenny gave everyone from ex-207. Found out that Ryan got 6 roses, with the note: We love you. Now shut up.
... lol.
Took one for the plant press project, but it got lost sometime later~
And then went down to the canteen with Edith. Met Jun Yup and Russell. Talked until we had to move to hall for the CNY concert.
CNY concert this year was ok...
CO and Dance were good~
Choir was honestly sorta fail. Sorry Claire~
And I pretty much snoozed through Dr Hang's talk and the Cultural Awareness thingys, but the cross-talk was epic. Yay~
And then there was pizza~
Except we lost 1 pizza to people from other classes. >.<
So in the end there wasn't enough.
And Ming Wei kept on trying to persuade me to pass him a slice. Even after our mentor explicitly said that the pizza was only for 307. ^^
Then went home with Wanling. Spent the bus and MRT journey giving her a crash course on how not to die while playing Touhou. Yay, the Touhou virus spreads further~
A lot of people were wearing nice clothes today. Would have worn non-school-uniform, but was lazy to pick a nice one.
Quite liked Edith's shirt. And Su's vest-shirt outfit. Kuoxuan's shirt was nice too.
Oh, and thanks for making me feel worse, Edith.
... nah, just kidding. ^_____^
Also, the fact that Claire is tying people up with duct tape is... *shivers*
Might be fun to watch though~
Should probably hang around 309 less.
... just as well, ne?
It's not like you'll even read this.
I think.
Or at least, I hope not.
But I suppose I should apologize.
I'm sorry.
I have to stop.
But how?
And it seems the mood swings are back. Also, I'm really tired. And I still haven't finished Assignment A. *snarls*
Slacked during ACE. Basically, 307 doesn't care about the class deco at all. Suits me fine too.
Finally gave Mr Wong my way-overdue contact details form. Yay.
Then 2... ok, slightly under 1.5hrs of lesson.
Jia Min and Bradley presented during English. And we managed to postpone our essay practice even more.
Then Math. We spent the first 30min doing a class worksheet and complaining over the graded class task right after CNY, then he let us go.
Went down to 309 to find Edith, who wasn't there. Staked out the classroom for a while, then ran into Edith as I was about to go downstairs.
Ate a burger, talked with Ming Wei about Touhou, went back up, stole Jia Min's ipod touch to play random games.
Chinese. We now have yu sheng next Wednesday. Yay?
And then went down to 309 to help them with class deco. I am definitely hanging around there too much.
*will now skip the next hour or so*
Went to crash Kenneth's house with Edith and Russell. Bothered him for a while, then we started playing Munchkin. I play D&D, so the rules were rather easy to get. Edith, Russell and I tried ganging up on Kenneth, but he won anyway.
... I think I'll go get that game. It be awesome~
Took a couple of photos of his Touhou stuff since Ming Wei requested it, then had to leave. And ended up taking the bus back to Clementi, and then MRT-ing home.
Fell asleep on the MRT, and started feeling irritable when I woke up. Then flared up at my sister later when she kept on asking if I wanted a pineapple tart.
And screw the math homework. I'll rush it out tomorrow or something. Along with history and whatever else is due.
Tired, but not sleepy.
Randomly clicking around people's blogs is fun.
I think I'll change the blogskin.
So I didn't post yesterday after all.
Blogger hates me~
Not in the mood to retype yesterday's lost post now.
Instead, I'm replaying Castlevania: Circle of the Moon on my VBA emulator.
It's surprisingly fun even on the computer.
One problem down, which saves a lot of trouble for everyone.
Go Google It!
EDIT: Finally managed to correct my blog timestamps. I'm starting to really
dislike Blogger now.
Also, I can't type ">.<" at the end of posts.
It seems Issac has uncovered some rather disturbing stuff.
I'm not sure I want to know.
Especially since it's about Jun Yup. >.<
(Yes, the "senior" we were talking about was you.)
Ah well. 15min until CCA ends and I can go ask him about it.
And Kuoxuan, thank you very much for killing my brain.
Remind me never to tell you anything in the future. >.<
Also, 3D rendering on school computers is a baaad idea~
At least the computer isn't lagging anymore. Esc is a very useful key~
CCA is ending. Isaac had better still be around. If not, I'll have to answer both Edith and Kuoxuan's questions.
And I think I owe Ming Wei an apology for messing up his Touhou games. >.<
Hey, how was I to know the score.dat files were needed?
I'll probably post again tonight. Nyah~
If I forget the magic of liking you
While searching for those lost feelings
If just once more, we could meet
I want to hold your hand, to laugh together
Doing physics while typing this. I'm tired. Luckily I have a senior's notes to help.
Speaking of physics, I feel like a resultant vector. Only, will the final path be curved or linear? Is it free fall, or will air resistance slow it down?
... never mind.
So... damn... sleepy...
I don't want to let you go
So... don't say anything
I don't know how to let you go
So... don't ask anything of me
I suppose I've decided.
Caught in the middle. Time is almost up. I can't drift between them for much longer.
I can't just let it play out, can I?
Rawr. Physics homework hates me. So does Blogger, apparently.
I should sleep.
Ah well. Too sleepy to type anything else coherent, and Blogger just lost half of what I typed for... the 3rd time straight, I think.
I'll just end this here.
The end hurts. I should have known.
Also, I'm not sure where those came from. They just seemed to fit..
Unbelievable. I actually updated.
*is happy*
This blog may actually revive itself.
Mm. Today was pretty boring, I suppose. Other than talking about Touhou a lot.
Assembly in the hall because of more China students. Didn't listen to most of the speech because I was talking to Ming Wei. About Touhou. Again.
Then Math. Didn't get caught for drawing or not listening today, but I didn't manage to draw much anyway since lesson started late and we had a class task.
English. Ended up drawing Myon all over my notes. I blame yesterday's discussion with Ming Wei about how Myon was the easiest Touhou character to draw fanart for.
Break. Went down and hung around 309 for a while before going to the canteen. Met Kuoxuan and started bothering him.
Then History.
(Ohnoes I still haven't finished my overdue SBQ. Meh whatever.)
More break. Went down to the canteen, but got bored and went back up after half an hour.
And for some reason I can't remember exactly what I did after that. I know I mostly stayed around 302 though.
Physics. Nothing much happened during the lesson, but at the end our mentor decided to buy us pizza on CNY Celebration. Yay for nice mentors~
Happened because our physics lesson somehow degraded into a discussion of how our mentor tended to give his CCA treats, like the buffet he bought them sometime before (O_____O), and eventually we persuaded him that as his mentor group, he should get us a treat too. So now we have pizza in a week's time~
And then yet more break. Went down to the canteen, watched Ming Wei and Jonathan play a very amusing game of chess, with Ming Wei claiming I was distracting him by constantly playing Touhou music. Then decided to pwn Jap because I didn't feel like going today. Ehehe.
So instead of going for Jap like I should have, I camped in the library until ex-207 decided to go home, and then went with them.
Just realised I've been talking to the senpai-tachi a lot less recently, and instead mostly hanging around 309. Sigh.
Kuoxuan says Edith might be returning to school tomorrow. Yay~
Too many thoughts to type down here now.
Never mind.
Mehhh. Would have posted during CCA, but ran out of time.
Started today with Mentoring. Yay. In which we did absolutely nothing while our mentor found someone else to talk to. And I was actually hoping the slackfest mentoring sessions were over last tear. >.<
At least ACE isn't as slackish as last year yet.
Math. Functions are much easier than they look... for now.
Nearly got caught for drawing on my notes. Did get caught for not listening. >.<
Break. Which I spent discussing Touhou with Ming Wei, then realised I hadn't changed for PE yet and dashed down slightly late. Thankfully PE starts late anyway.
And then PE. I really should stop walking the 2.4km. Captain's Ball, which I chose not to play. The teacher made those who chose to sit out do 10 push-ups, sit-ups etc. every time someone scored. Ended up fooling around with someone from 305.
Ming Wei decided it was a good idea to shout 'Caramelldansen' and 'Ievan Polka' at us every time he passed. Eventually found out it was because he was singing those while running. =.=
More break, which was again spent talking about Touhou.
Then Chem. Nothing more interesting than the class deciding to have a quiz on CNY Celebration.
And yet more break~
This one was spent hanging around 309 and actually doing work. Claire joined us after about 15min. Finished my due-in-half-an-hour work with 10min left to spare, and started poking Kuoxuan and Russell around. Chatted with them until it was nearly time for class, then remembered I actually had to submit my work. Dashed down and made it back up just as Chinese was starting.
Will not elaborate on Chinese due to amazing mind-numbing-ness of this lesson. Except that when the teacher himself says that we're likely to fall asleep, it means we're very likely to fall asleep.
Managed to keep awake by drawing though.
And then CCA, which I didn't realise started at 3 and not 4.
Ah well. Didn't actually start doing anything until about 3.50 anyway, since we were waiting for the new Year 1s to finish up their stuff...
Slacked, and played around with ren'py for most of the time. Then went home after bothering Josephine and Xiangwen for a while.
... my lip still hurts. I didn't know bags could cut. Or get swung around as self-defence either.
Hm. I should probably sleep now.
*insert stuff here*